POV-Ray : Newsgroups : irtc.stills : Inability to vote : Re: Inability to vote Server Time
1 Nov 2024 22:20:02 EDT (-0400)
  Re: Inability to vote  
From: St 
Date: 24 Jun 2008 13:50:45
Message: <486133f5$1@news.povray.org>
"milco2006" <mil### [at] hotmailcom> wrote in message 
> Hi,
> Not sure if anyone really looks at this frequently enough for anyone to 
> notice
> before the end of voting however...

    Well, I'm looking. ;)

> Basically despite entering the competition this month I can't vote. It
> acknowledges that I cannot vote for my own entry because I entered it 
> however
> it then says that I cannot vote on the other entries either.

    And that procedure is correct Malcolm. If you enter the next round, you 
will get rating and commenting privileges. It's designed to keep members 
interested and possibly entering, and, as we all know, feedback on any given 
image is always good too. :)

   So, look forward to entering the next round as it should be a good one: 

> Also congrats to everyone as some great images. I still like my concept 
> but the
> execution of other peoples pictures is absolutely unbelievable, some truly
> fantastic raytracing.



   *That's official all - website being updated soon. Newsletter soon. Get 
your thinking caps on for "Contrast".

> Malcolm

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