POV-Ray : Newsgroups : irtc.stills : TC-RTC Reminder : TC-RTC Reminder Server Time
11 Oct 2024 13:32:27 EDT (-0400)
  TC-RTC Reminder  
From: St 
Date: 27 Oct 2007 06:38:31
Message: <47231527@news.povray.org>

   Just a quick note to remind you not to forget about rating and commenting 
(do check at the last hour, minute, if possible, for any late entries) at 
www.tc-rtc.co.uk especially as my image is now there... ;)

   This will be the last time that the old system is used, and on November 
1st, the new system will be rolled out for both stills and animations. I 
think you'll find the 'whole thing' so much better.

  And apologies, I didn't have time to update the rules last weekend, so I'm 
doing this over this weekend, so be sure to read them soon.  :)


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