POV-Ray : Newsgroups : irtc.stills : What is the current topic? : Re: What is the current topic? Server Time
7 Oct 2024 08:04:18 EDT (-0400)
  Re: What is the current topic?  
From: Peter Duthie
Date: 1 Mar 2005 01:26:57
Message: <42240b31$1@news.povray.org>
As far as I'm aware, it's still Feb 28 in many parts of the USA.  In 
fact, as I write this it is 8.24pm, Feb 28 in the Aleutian Islands in 
Alaska (although I am not currently in the Aleutian Islands.....)

Peter D.

The Mad Hatter wrote:
> It is march today.  The web site still seems to not be updating on time.  I
> did check the ftp as I heard a rumour it is often updated faster, but I
> still show the old topic.  Has one not been decided yet?

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