POV-Ray : Newsgroups : irtc.stills : standard of entry : Re: standard of entry Server Time
9 Nov 2024 12:16:09 EST (-0500)
  Re: standard of entry  
From: Roberto Amorim
Date: 12 Jul 2004 16:22:46
Message: <40f2f316@news.povray.org>
> I'm not sure about the hoax idea, though. I suppose it could be the
> wonderful and (un)talented IMBJR...

Not likely, since there's no racial or sexual content on any of the pictures
this round, IIRC. ;-)

Now seriously, I hope such "sabotage" never happens. I don't think IMBJR
would do that (I think he's talented, although in a kind of "twisted" way
sometimes), and I hope no one else does.

About the Bryce images... there is at least one very good on-topic Bryce
image there, and another good one yet slightly off-topic, IMHO. Perhaps
something very good will come out of all this. After all, art is a way of
self-discovery - and perhaps someone who entered the competition for school
reasons will find in it a bigger part of oneself, and later provide us with
great images and concepts, even if the first attempts are feeble.

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