"Mike Raiford" <mra### [at] hotmailcom> wrote in message
> St. wrote:
> > Hi Peter, trust me, standards haven't generally dropped, this
> > a fairly hard round to respond to in any raytracing terms, and as
> > can see, a school class entered, and to me, that's very important,
> > still hard for them - I think it's good that they entered, but I
> > a few will follow through with PoV...
> IMO, It's poor ettiquite to have your first year art students swamp
> competition. The IRTC was meant to be entered by *enthusiasts* of
> skill levels, but that is just my viewpoint. Many of these images
> qualify for being a "I did it because I had to" image. That's my
> complaint.
I don't disagree, but in the end, I don't think it was entirely
their fault. I would say that the tutor was probably more to blame
than the students. He/she should have made sure that they entered in
the proper way.
It's that, or it's a hoax with some jerk messing around...
> I'm one of the few who really gets irritated at the lack of
> I'd like to know where the inspiration for the image came from, I'd
> to know why you think it fits in the current competition category,
> like to know how you made that image. What renderer did you use. If
> see the bare minimum to submit an image, none of my questions are
> answered, and I'm staring at a poor quality image wondering how many
> minutes it took to throw it together.
Which is why I'd lean more towards a hoax entry...
> --
> ~Mike
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