POV-Ray : Newsgroups : irtc.stills : standard of entry : Re: standard of entry Server Time
14 Oct 2024 13:06:28 EDT (-0400)
  Re: standard of entry  
From: Mike Raiford
Date: 12 Jul 2004 08:18:58
Message: <40f281b2$1@news.povray.org>
St. wrote:

>      Hi Peter, trust me, standards haven't generally dropped, this was
> a fairly hard round to respond to in any raytracing terms, and as you
> can see, a school class entered, and to me, that's very important, but
> still hard for them - I think it's good that they entered, but I hope
> a few will follow through with PoV...

IMO, It's poor ettiquite to have your first year art students swamp a 
competition. The IRTC was meant to be entered by *enthusiasts* of all 
skill levels, but that is just my viewpoint. Many of these images could 
qualify for being a "I did it because I had to" image. That's my main 

I'm one of the few who really gets irritated at the lack of description. 
I'd like to know where the inspiration for the image came from, I'd like 
to know why you think it fits in the current competition category, I'd 
like to know how you made that image. What renderer did you use. If I 
see the bare minimum to submit an image, none of my questions are 
answered, and I'm staring at a poor quality image wondering how many 
minutes it took to throw it together.


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