POV-Ray : Newsgroups : irtc.stills : off-topic entries : Re: off-topic entries Server Time
19 Sep 2024 07:22:38 EDT (-0400)
  Re: off-topic entries  
From: Jim Charter
Date: 8 May 2004 15:21:36
Message: <409d3340@news.povray.org>
bongotastic wrote:
> First, relax dude, I think you are a bit uptight here.

Perhaps I am.  If certain content annoys you, the use of a certain word 
annoys me!  And I am intensely frustrated by the fact that when it gets 
used, these newsgroups get blocked, so I cannot in good conscience argue 
the point with those who use it as a bludgeon whenever they please.

> Second, I have no agenda. I sure know what porn is 

Well realize that the intention of sexual arousal is necessary to 
satisfy the definition.

and I have no intention
> to insult you back because I don't know you. 

I apologize for insulting you and commend your restraint
My name is Jim Charter.  You will find I have made numerous entries in 
the IRTC.  I have also written posts to this group commenting on peoples 
work and attempting to elevate the importance of the enterprise.

I hardly care about your issues
> with sexuality.

But you may be very concerned with your own such issues to my 
diminishment and that is what bothers me!  I have been victimized in the 
past when people use their own dirty minds to cast aspersion in my 

> Third, if someone cannot bring up a topic of discussion without being
> moronically stonewalled like you did to me, what is the point of having a
> newsgroup? So we can all agree with your patronising opinion?
And I am saddened to find I have slipped into these tactics.
Keep clear distinctions and you do not deserved to be patronized.
Someone's feelings about content, what may be purient, and whether they 
find it 'annoying', is a completely separate concern from the arbitrary 
difficulties of presenting the IRTC in a public school context. I 
thought you were blurring that distinction. If I think someone is 
exploiting the virtues of the one concern, (education) to prosecute the 
fallabilities of the other, (their personal definitions of morality), 
yes I tend to get uptight and patronizing.  My challenge of your 
intentions was unilateral and proactive. You say you have no agenda. 
Then I take you at your word.  Please accept my apology.

These are delicate issues and dangerous times.


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