gonzo wrote:
> St. <dot### [at] dot com> wrote in message news:40299795@news.povray.org...
>>Seeing as everything is getting more advanced with computers and
>>PoV-Ray now, is it possible that the IRTC stills competition can be
>>every three months instead of two months?
>> I don't mind two months, but it sure gets tricky towards the
>>end... ;)
> I don't mind the two months as long as the topic is posted right away, but
> when the topic isn't posted until a week into the round, by the time I
> figure out what I'm going to do I'm down to 5-6 weeks or less.
> I think that a longer period would simply raise the bar even further. The
> entries are getting better and better all the time, so two months must work
> for at least somebody.
> My own entries seem to indicate that less time is better... my best score
> was an image that only took a couple of weeks, while my decay & architecture
> entries both took every bit of spare time for the whole two months and only
> finished 28th.
> RG - its just a matter of finding the right inspiration...
Remembering hta last time this came up, it seems the general agreement
was that 2 months is a very serviceable tradeoff between necessary
momentum and the fact of having a life. Most other contests are
shorter. But the occasional maverick contest might liven things up. A
longer running theme in addition to the regulars, or have one or two
themes a year traditionally released early.
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