POV-Ray : Newsgroups : irtc.stills : IRTC Proposal... : Re: IRTC Proposal... Server Time
11 Feb 2025 15:52:52 EST (-0500)
  Re: IRTC Proposal...  
From: Shay
Date: 19 Feb 2004 09:49:06
Message: <4034cce2@news.povray.org>
"Jim Charter" <jrc### [at] msncom> wrote in message
| actually first connected to the
| internet six years ago

About the same here, but I found PoV-Ray by accident while exploring a
freeware site. At the time, I knew nothing about programming and next to
nothing about math, but PoV-Ray has since taught me a tremendous amount
about both. My motivation for getting into Pov was much less interesting
than your's or Steves. I just wanted to have cool custom graphics for
whatever else I was working on. My first post on these newsgroups IIRC
was a website graphic for a college Emergency Care program run by my
step-father. Eventually of course, the means became the end.

| As I painter I fancied that the behavior of light
| was my balliwick and when I learned that computers were being used
| to model that behavior I just had to find out about it.

Have you experimented with Radiance?

I watched a program about Vermeer last night. He had some jaw dropping
light effects. I wasn't familiar with him before, but I'm definitely a
fan now. I felt hugely happy with myself when I saw that he was fond of
a coloring technique with which I have been personally experimenting. I
want to order a print of 'Girl in a Red Hat', but I'm not sure I can
find one which represents the actual size (looked about 9" tall on the


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