POV-Ray : Newsgroups : irtc.stills : IRTC Proposal... : Re: IRTC Proposal... Server Time
11 Feb 2025 16:43:59 EST (-0500)
  Re: IRTC Proposal...  
From: St 
Date: 16 Feb 2004 20:15:17
Message: <40316b25@news.povray.org>
"Jim Charter" <jrc### [at] msncom> wrote in message
> St. wrote:
> >
> >     Ah, I missed that, (got my PC in 2000), but I've just had a
> What is your actual programming (as separate from computer)

   My programming experience as seperate from my computer?

   Sorry Jim, none whatsoever. Sad but true. Nearly twenty years ago,
I used to look at the school kids playing 'Pacman', (or whatever) in
the shops as I walked by, and thought they were wasting their time on

   "Where were they going? Nowhere!"  How wrong I was...  ;)

   BUT, at that time, I also wanted to do/try CG, (influenced by
Starwars, etc.) and understood that CG was a possibility, but it was
always out of my reach. That's how far I ventured into the realms of
computers until 2000. No programming skills, just a PC layman that
loves all things art.

> > at the Horror round, and I don't see anything that's majorly
> > to any other round, but perhaps in this round, more people
> > *did* submit something rather than not? I guess we'll never know.
> I think it's a bit regretable that every decision need have a
> outcome.  I still think it was an interesting experiment.  Just to
> create a little variety.  For the record, I think this is an
> place to sound out interest on the idea.  I am not sure that the
> who would make that decision actually frequent this group.

 If it was me in the hot seat? I would implement it for one more try,
or maybe even vote on it. It's the thinking time that counts for a
decent image imo - just like a serious oil painting - don't just slap
it on, think about it first.

 If someone has worked hard on an image, and it doesn't get submitted,
how can they improve/advance their skills when there is no forthcoming
critique? (Yes, there is p.b.i, but who then posts their *complete*,
unfinished, un-submitted irtc image and then tells the world that they
couldn't quite make it happen...? You'll only usually see the main
model or idea involved).


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