Hate it.
Trying to view the image in full scale while writing a comment causes the
comment to be lost. Yuck. Maybe open a new window instead?!
Entering the comment first, and then deciding on the rating, results in the
comment being lost, too. Yuck again.
Viewing all the images results in the session timing out, even if I don't spend
very much time per image. Rrrargh. I honestly must say that to me the login
handling concept feels like total crap, this has been annoying me ever since.
Give us users more time, jeez! Plus, log us on automatically next time.
I'm writing this while voting - but I guess I need to log in again after
finisning this posting...
.... yup, I need to indeed. Yuck, once more.
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clipka wrote:
> Hate it.
> Trying to view the image in full scale while writing a comment causes the
> comment to be lost. Yuck. Maybe open a new window instead?!
> Entering the comment first, and then deciding on the rating, results in the
> comment being lost, too. Yuck again.
> Viewing all the images results in the session timing out, even if I don't spend
> very much time per image. Rrrargh. I honestly must say that to me the login
> handling concept feels like total crap, this has been annoying me ever since.
> Give us users more time, jeez! Plus, log us on automatically next time.
> Please.
> I'm writing this while voting - but I guess I need to log in again after
> finisning this posting...
> .... yup, I need to indeed. Yuck, once more.
Ok, points taken. I'm sorry to disappoint you. Please keep in mind
that I'm one developer volunteering my spare time on this project when I
have other (paying) work that also needs to get done.
I have another volunteer who will be helping with the software
development. Hopefully with the two of us, we'll be able to make the
changes faster.
In the meantime, it would help to have a less negative attitude from
people who aren't volunteering their valuable spare time to provide a
free service which has been out of service for far too long.
David Buck
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