TC-RTC: Challenge 2: Results for April/May 2015: Blue (Message 1 to 3 of 3)
From: Thomas de Groot
Subject: TC-RTC: Challenge 2: Results for April/May 2015: Blue
Date: 1 Jun 2015 03:32:20
Message: <556c0a84$>
Results are in ( although I
must say that I would have liked more voters active, even if the number
of images submitted was small and the number of participants even smaller.
First and second place turned out to be ex-aequo. I took it upon me to
order them ;-)
1. DrNo: Blues Trombone; 79/139 points
2. DrNo: Dragon Slayer; 79/139 points
3. JuuG: Recessive; 75/135 points
Congratulations to the two only participants to this challenge!
From: Christian Froeschlin
Subject: Re: TC-RTC: Challenge 2: Results for April/May 2015: Blue
Date: 3 Jun 2015 17:07:37
Message: <556f6c99$>
On 01.06.2015 9:32, Thomas de Groot wrote:
> First and second place turned out to be ex-aequo. I took it upon me to> order them ;-)
Is it possible you also switched the user names in the process? :)
From: Thomas de Groot
Subject: Re: TC-RTC: Challenge 2: Results for April/May 2015: Blue
Date: 4 Jun 2015 03:14:29
Message: <556ffad5$>
On 3-6-2015 23:07, Christian Froeschlin wrote:
> On 01.06.2015 9:32, Thomas de Groot wrote:>>> First and second place turned out to be ex-aequo. I took it upon me to>> order them ;-)>> Is it possible you also switched the user names in the process? :)>
Lol. I messed up! With so many participants it is easy to get lost ;-)