At http://www.tc-rtc.co.uk/index/index.html
Challenge 2 topic *Blue* is open for voting now. Remember the voting
rules and make your selection.
The next topic for Challenge 2 is *Doodle*, starting on June 1st and
ending July 15th. Uploading closes on the 30th of June; voting starts on
the 1st of July.
According to Wikipedia, a doddle is a drawing made while a person's
attention is otherwise occupied. We all make them, and in this age of
computers we doodle digitally, especially when groping for a new scene
to render or an old one which does not develop as expected. Doodles can
take fantastic shapes or concentrate on something or somebody we know.
They can evolve from some random shapes into highly complex structures
and textures. What are your doodles about?
Thomas & Stephen
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