TC-RTC: Results for the January/April 2015 Challenge 1: Complex (Message 1 to 3 of 3)
From: Thomas de Groot
Subject: TC-RTC: Results for the January/April 2015 Challenge 1: Complex
Date: 1 May 2015 07:34:13
Message: <554364b5$>
The results are in at the TC-RTC
- Two participating members did not vote;
- One participating member only voted partially;
- Three members only voted partially.
Correction for the above resulted in the following score:
1 jhu1 Interfacing 471
2 jhu1 Difference Engine 445
3 septime Complexity 441
4 ianm123 Capronissimo 434
5 JuuG Fractal Descent 431
6 TenMoons Game of Traps 428
7 Thax Searching 426
8 ThomdeG Ring Dream 425
9 lequenne If only it existed 415
10 JohnG Depth 407
11 DrNo Hang-up 406
12 DrNo Swirled world 402
13 DrNo i lands 398
14 rmcgregor Hand 395
15 lequenne What a man will never completely understand 375
16 stefan Universal Photonic Frequency Multiplier 365
17 lequenne DNA sphere 324
Thomas de Groot <tho### [at] degrootorg> wrote:
> The results are in at the TC-RTC>> - Two participating members did not vote;> - One participating member only voted partially;> - Three members only voted partially.>> Correction for the above resulted in the following score:>> 1 jhu1 Interfacing 471> 2 jhu1 Difference Engine 445> 3 septime Complexity 441> 4 ianm123 Capronissimo 434> 5 JuuG Fractal Descent 431> 6 TenMoons Game of Traps 428> 7 Thax Searching 426> 8 ThomdeG Ring Dream 425> 9 lequenne If only it existed 415> 10 JohnG Depth 407> 11 DrNo Hang-up 406> 12 DrNo Swirled world 402> 13 DrNo i lands 398> 14 rmcgregor Hand 395> 15 lequenne What a man will never completely understand 375> 16 stefan Universal Photonic Frequency Multiplier 365> 17 lequenne DNA sphere 324>> --> Thomas
Oh, wow! I won! Interesting round.
From: Thomas de Groot
Subject: Re: TC-RTC: Results for the January/April 2015 Challenge 1: Complex
Date: 3 May 2015 03:00:07
Message: <5545c777$>
On 2-5-2015 17:00, jhu wrote:
>> Oh, wow! I won! Interesting round.>>>
Twice! Congratulations indeed and well done.