POV-Ray : Newsgroups : irtc.general : IRTC CD #3 Server Time
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  IRTC CD #3 (Message 1 to 4 of 4)  
From: Josh English
Subject: IRTC CD #3
Date: 4 Jul 2000 16:45:30
Message: <39624D32.23BCACDB@spiritone.com>
I just managed to order the 3rd IRTC CD and I'm finding that a lot of
pages aren't coming up at all and images are blocky and chopped. This is
happening in both Netscape and IE. Is anyone else having trouble? I
don't trust this machine very far,but this is quite frustrating.

Josh English -- Lexiphanic Lethomaniac
eng### [at] spiritonecom
The POV-Ray Cyclopedia http://www.spiritone.com/~english/cyclopedia/

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From: Ken
Subject: Re: IRTC CD #3
Date: 4 Jul 2000 16:55:39
Message: <39624E38.2C9AA549@pacbell.net>
Josh English wrote:
> I just managed to order the 3rd IRTC CD and I'm finding that a lot of
> pages aren't coming up at all and images are blocky and chopped. This is
> happening in both Netscape and IE. Is anyone else having trouble? I
> don't trust this machine very far,but this is quite frustrating.

You are the first person I have heard complain about it. If you want
I can query Chris Cason to see if he has any ideas what may be causing
your problem(s).

Have you tried the online version to see if you are having similar
problems ?  http://www.povray.org/preview/irtc-cd3

I tried it just now and it looked fine.

Are you using a fast enough CD player ?

Do you have memory buffers set up for the CD ?

What about disk caching ?

Do you like to wear slippers that look like little bunny rabbits ?

Ken Tyler - 1400+ POV-Ray, Graphics, 3D Rendering, and Raytracing Links:
http://home.pacbell.net/tylereng/index.html http://www.povray.org/links/

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From: Alan
Subject: Re: IRTC CD #3
Date: 4 Jul 2000 16:58:25
Message: <39624ff1@news.povray.org>
If you mean http://www.aussie.org/products/ it looks fine in Opera v4.0.

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From: Vahur Krouverk
Subject: Re: IRTC CD #3
Date: 5 Jul 2000 02:10:52
Message: <3962D21D.5616EED5@aetec.ee>
Josh English wrote:
> I just managed to order the 3rd IRTC CD and I'm finding that a lot of
> pages aren't coming up at all and images are blocky and chopped. This is
> happening in both Netscape and IE. Is anyone else having trouble? I
> don't trust this machine very far,but this is quite frustrating.

Which pages aren't coming up? Can You give examples? I have this CD and
can compare, but so far I had no problems with it (although I haven't
used it very much, browsing it with 1x CD-ROM is very very slow).

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