POV-Ray : Newsgroups : irtc.general : WinVote is Fixed Server Time
11 Mar 2025 03:19:55 EDT (-0400)
  WinVote is Fixed (Message 1 to 3 of 3)  
From: Bob Franke
Subject: WinVote is Fixed
Date: 4 Jul 2000 13:26:48
Message: <39621F99.A18855F3@yahoo.com>
WinVote Version 1.85a is now available for download.

Sorry, but in the process of adding the spelling checker I messed up the
routines that save the voter's comments.  There has not been much
interest in the spelling checker.  There have been 25 download attempts
for WinVote.exe but only three for the dictionary.  I guess most
everyone spells and types better than me.

WinVote's installation programs are available for
download from:
Main Program
Spelling Dictionary
on web page http://www.geocities.com/bob_franke/pov/winvote.htm

Sorry for the problems.
I realize everyone does not have unlimited Internet access,
Bob Franke

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From: Greg M  Johnson
Subject: Re: WinVote is Fixed
Date: 10 Jul 2000 08:26:01
Message: <3969BFB9.C760EF18@my-dejanews.com>
AHA! Just as I always suspected! NO WONDER I never WON!!!!!

Bob Franke wrote:

> WinVote Version 1.85a is now available for download.
> Sorry, but in the process of adding the spelling checker I messed up the
> routines that save the voter's comments.  There has not been much
> interest in the spelling checker.  There have been 25 download attempts
> for WinVote.exe but only three for the dictionary.  I guess most
> everyone spells and types better than me.
> WinVote's installation programs are available for
> download from:
> Main Program
>     http://members.home.net/bfranke2/pov/winvote.exe
> Spelling Dictionary
>     http://members.home.net/bfranke2/pov/speller.exe
> on web page http://www.geocities.com/bob_franke/pov/winvote.htm
> Sorry for the problems.
> I realize everyone does not have unlimited Internet access,
> Bob Franke

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From: Tom Melly
Subject: Re: WinVote is Fixed
Date: 10 Jul 2000 08:29:45
Message: <3969c1b9@news.povray.org>
"Greg M. Johnson" <gre### [at] my-dejanewscom> wrote in message
> AHA! Just as I always suspected! NO WONDER I never WON!!!!!


> Bob Franke wrote:
> >There have been 25 download attempts
> > for WinVote.exe but only three for the dictionary.  I guess most
> > everyone spells and types better than me.

Nope - they just care less....

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