POV-Ray : Newsgroups : irtc.general : TC-RTC Challenges 1 & 2: Voting Results : TC-RTC Challenges 1 & 2: Voting Results Server Time
8 Feb 2025 10:57:12 EST (-0500)
  TC-RTC Challenges 1 & 2: Voting Results  
From: Thomas de Groot
Date: 2 Sep 2016 07:34:14
Message: <57c963b6$1@news.povray.org>
As usual, complete results are also presented at: 

Challenge 1: The Metal Monster
1  Ivanhoe      Shepherd                230 /290
2  kernit       colonisation            222 /282
3  rmcgregor    Titan                   206 /266
4  ThomdeG      Oedipus                 204 / 264
5  ThomdeG      Ant Queen               193 / 253
6  lequenne     Real Tremendous Car     190 / 250
7  lequenne     pleasure robot slaves   173 / 233
8  DrNo         Crazy Train             168 / 228
9  DrNo         Quad                    162 / 222
9  DrNo         Unfair                  162 / 222

Challenge 2: The Professor at the Breakfast Table
1  DrNo         Literature Wind          89 / 149
2  lequenne     historical breakfast     85 / 145

Congratulations to the winners!


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