POV-Ray : Newsgroups : irtc.animations : So What's going on??? Server Time
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  So What's going on??? (Message 1 to 3 of 3)  
From: dbott
Subject: So What's going on???
Date: 4 Sep 2007 01:54:21
Message: <46dcf30d$1@news.povray.org>
I went to judge the "The Black Robe" round of animation and a winner has
been chosen. Well Steve, you knew this comment was coming. I'm sure you are
working on the problem...........

Darin (dbott)

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From: Markus Altendorff
Subject: Re: So What's going on???
Date: 4 Sep 2007 02:52:13
Message: <46dd009d$1@news.povray.org>
dbott schrieb:
> I went to judge the "The Black Robe" round of animation and a winner has
> been chosen. Well Steve, you knew this comment was coming. I'm sure you are
> working on the problem...........

Having managed to kick myself out of the ranking page by doing my public 
service of voting (no comments on electoral systems, please ;-) ), i'm 
inclined to consider the voting system "beta" for the time being, too... ;)

Seriously, though, a second timeframe for voting (i.e. voting can not 
start until primary deadline has passed, and the winner is picked after 
the second timeframe) is something that should be considered.

Take this example:
Film 1 (entered one month early) is voted on several times by members, 
up until the entry deadline.
Films 2 thru X are entered very close to the deadline.
No chance to ever vote on them...


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From: Stephen
Subject: Re: So What's going on???
Date: 4 Sep 2007 03:20:00
Message: <web.46dd065115c8a76ec4e49fa40@news.povray.org>
"dbott" <dbo### [at] eastsoundsuitescom> wrote:
> I went to judge the "The Black Robe" round of animation and a winner has
> been chosen. Well Steve, you knew this comment was coming. I'm sure you are
> working on the problem...........
> Darin (dbott)

Yes Beta testing is still going on, where do we send the bug reports, Steve?

I have my votes and comments in a s/sheet ready for cut and pasting.
Another suggestion is to hide the display of votes until after the count.


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