On Tue, 15 May 2007 07:09:15 +0100, St. wrote:
> "Jim Henderson" <nos### [at] nospamcom> wrote in message
> news:4649227e@news.povray.org...
>> Hmmm, I might need a pointer at those other plugins you've got - the
>> POV one is the only one I've installed...
> Yep, here you go, http://www.manifoldlab.com/wings_manifoldlab/ -
> it's
> the latest version at the bottom. I think the shape extruder plugin is
> in a 2006 file, but he's not listing them any more for some reason.
> There is a video on the previous page showing what it can do.
Cool, thanks!
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dbott wrote:
> I was wondering...... if anyone knows if there is an export plug-in to POV
> from WINGS 3D? If there is where could I find it.....The Link on the WINGS
> home page for a plug-in can not be found......
> Thanks
> Darin
It's too late but ...
This plug-in is also here, from Wings 3D BR :
Nevertheless, it is not very powerful and became old compared to the
version 0.98.32a of Wings.
The author of plug-in does not seem very active since more than one year.
A conversion into OBJ format to POSERAY will be more effective
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