POV-Ray : Newsgroups : irtc.animations : Next topic: Impostor! Server Time
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From: Markus Altendorff
Subject: Next topic: Impostor!
Date: 19 Jan 2005 16:27:50
Message: <41eed0d6$1@news.povray.org>
... no, honestly. "Impostor!". With an exclamation mark. See FTP 
transaction log quote below:

230-                   Stills                   Animations
230-Current Topic      Out of Place             Impostor!
230-Deadline           February 28, 2004        April 15, 2004

And, in addition to the welcome message for FTP being updated, 
the animation files seem also ready for downloading.



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From: Greg M  Johnson
Subject: Re: Next topic: Impostor!
Date: 23 Jan 2005 00:11:14
Message: <41f331f2@news.povray.org>
You know, it's funny that I thought that was my idea, although the 
description isn't what I would have written.

"Markus Altendorff" <maa### [at] anthrosphinxde> wrote in message 
> ... no, honestly. "Impostor!". With an exclamation mark. See FTP 
> transaction log quote below:

Markus, will you be getting back into the saddle again?  I've been honing 
scene files for about 19 different characters, so I'm sure I can make one of 
them an impostor of **somebody**.

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From: Markus Altendorff
Subject: Re: Next topic: Impostor!
Date: 26 Jan 2005 15:56:06
Message: <41f803e6@news.povray.org>
Greg M. Johnson wrote:
> You know, it's funny that I thought that was my idea, although the 
> description isn't what I would have written.

Oh yes, the description... After i read the "Impostor" line on 
FTP, I had some immediate ideas for that (in the "dictionary" 
[Langenscheidt's Edition] meaning which seems to go along the 
lines of "cheat, deceive, betray"), but the description seemed a 
bit narrow for most of them - and the "official" guideline seems 
to be only about a person impersonating another one (which is the 
same that my Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary offers).

> Markus, will you be getting back into the saddle again?  I've been honing 
> scene files for about 19 different characters, so I'm sure I can make one of 
> them an impostor of **somebody**.

I sure hope i'll FINALLY again find the time to do something... 
i've made pencil doodles and storybook sketches for all of the 
last topics, but never found the time to really animate anything.
Learned a lot about spline mesh morphing, though...

The one i want to do for "Impostor!" seems to be on the 
borderline of the topic (as defined in the guideline - it should 
be OK when using Impostor). Oh well... worst thing could be a 0 
for "interpretation of topic" :)

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From: Roberto Amorim
Subject: Re: Next topic: Impostor!
Date: 27 Jan 2005 08:43:00
Message: <41f8efe4@news.povray.org>
> Oh yes, the description... After i read the "Impostor" line on
> FTP, I had some immediate ideas for that (in the "dictionary"
> [Langenscheidt's Edition] meaning which seems to go along the
> lines of "cheat, deceive, betray"), but the description seemed a
> bit narrow for most of them - and the "official" guideline seems
> to be only about a person impersonating another one (which is the
> same that my Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary offers).

In that case, any Rusty animation not done by John VanSickle would be
on-topic. :-)

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From: Greg M  Johnson
Subject: Re: Next topic: Impostor!
Date: 5 Feb 2005 21:18:18
Message: <42057e6a$1@news.povray.org>
Did you see Rusty's cousin in one of mine??
I was also shooting for a cousin of Anthrospinx.

"Roberto Amorim" <wol### [at] hotmailcom> wrote in message 
>> Oh yes, the description... After i read the "Impostor" line on
>> FTP, I had some immediate ideas for that (in the "dictionary"
>> [Langenscheidt's Edition] meaning which seems to go along the
>> lines of "cheat, deceive, betray"), but the description seemed a
>> bit narrow for most of them - and the "official" guideline seems
>> to be only about a person impersonating another one (which is the
>> same that my Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary offers).
> In that case, any Rusty animation not done by John VanSickle would be
> on-topic. :-)

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