POV-Ray : Newsgroups : irtc.animations : Decay, certainly Server Time
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  Decay, certainly (Message 1 to 3 of 3)  
From: Nieminen Juha
Subject: Decay, certainly
Date: 17 Oct 1999 07:15:24
Message: <3809afcc@news.povray.org>
Has the irtc animations competition suffered a decay, just like the topic?
  Only 9 animations and only 1 had acceptable quality (shouldn't be necessary
to say which one...).

  Btw, VanSickle will find it really hard to make his Rusty animation to fit
in the next topic... ;)
  (Seriously, I wonder if his animations affected the topic in any way)

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From: Derek Zahn
Subject: Re: Decay, certainly
Date: 17 Oct 1999 13:21:52
Message: <380a05b0@news.povray.org>
Hmm.  I actually thought that four of them were quite good and the overall
quality was if anything a bit above average.  The number of entries was down
this time but I hope it's too early to write off this competition.

"Robot" is a very entry-friendly topic so we'll see what happens next time!


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From: John VanSickle
Subject: Re: Decay, certainly
Date: 17 Oct 1999 15:59:30
Message: <380A2E60.C55FBF79@erols.com>
Nieminen Juha wrote:
>   Has the irtc animations competition suffered a decay, just like the
> topic?

"Decay" suggests something organic, and that's not easy to do with
POV-Ray, especially for less experienced users.

>   Only 9 animations and only 1 had acceptable quality (shouldn't be
> necessary to say which one...).

Must be Howard Day's.  He's pretty good.

>   Btw, VanSickle will find it really hard to make his Rusty animation
> to fit in the next topic... ;)

You're the third person I've seen mention this.  I've made it no secret
that I will be doing Rusty anims until doomsday, no matter how much I
need to twist the topic to fit.

>   (Seriously, I wonder if his animations affected the topic in any
> way)

Perhaps.  One of my animations featured an ant-like bug, and ended with
a fade to the words "to be continued."  The next round's topic:  Creatures.

Then the next topic is Decay, and here I am with a character named

And now the topic is Robot.

It's easy to do a half-assed robot with POV-Ray, so I predict that
the next round will have a lot of entries.  Most of them will be of
the "hey, isn't my robot cool" variety, which was the pitfall that
a lot of entrants fell into when the topics were Toys, Games,
Gadgets, and Creatures.  My entry in the Toys round was of this type,
and while the winner for that round was basically a "look at my cool
toy," in that instance it really was a cool toy.

When I'm judging the animations, anything that doesn't rise above
this level is given at best a ten out of twenty for concept.

Anyway, some people said that all my bugbot did was walk, so from
that point forward I've had the characters doing something meaningful.

ICQ: 46085459

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