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3 Nov 2024 04:10:56 EST (-0500)
  Re: Ping-of-life message: 8 days remaining until change of topics, voting q=  
From: Stephen
Date: 28 Aug 2007 04:20:01
Message: <web.46d3d9f239ac6738c4e49fa40@news.povray.org>
Markus Altendorff <maa### [at] panoramasde> wrote:
> Stephen wrote:

> Ouch. Hey, you realize that by entering values for every frame by hand
> you're now in the same league as the creators of "Tron"? :)

that kept throwing the smoothness of the motion out.

> > I could have told you but then I would have had to transmogrify you :-)
> "Calvin & Hobbes" reference? :)

Oh! I thought that it had passed into common usage. Yes a "Calvin & Hobbes"
reference. :-)

> Been watching it on my side-notebook at work, and that doesn't do
> "subtle" ;) will have to check again at home.

find the correct material settings.

> The "decanting" is just mentioned, not described in detail, i think, as
> the process when the New World (clone?) children are "born", i.e.
> removed from their nurturing containers. Isn't Huxley's Lenina character
> working in such a factory, or something? Reading it has been a while...
> Usually i'm more into TPratchett, Asimov, Lem, if i'm not wasting time
> on the intertubes ;)
> I've just finished the brothers Strugatzki's "Roadside picnic"
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roadside_Picnic - interesting idea for a book.

You remember Brave New World better than I do but I think that you are
right, I do remember something about a factory being mentioned.
Here and now!
Here and now!

"Roadside picnic" again it was years ago but the Wikipedia article refreshed
my memory. An excellent idea, unfortunately I found that style of writing
too literary for my poor dyslectic brain.

> > I always look forward to seeing yours
> Me too :)
>i'm even more looking forward to the comments... it's been cut
> to quite a fast pace, which might be too much for working with
> subtitles. If only i had some decent voice actors :)

That is a problem but it is one I ignore by making silent moving pictures


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