POV-Ray : Newsgroups : irtc.animations : The IRTC Animations T-shirt at zazzle. : Re: The IRTC Animations T-shirt at zazzle. Server Time
8 Dec 2024 23:00:46 EST (-0500)
  Re: The IRTC Animations T-shirt at zazzle.  
From: gregjohn
Date: 17 Jan 2004 12:05:02
Message: <web.40096a94ace98aa73a5fb9ba0@news.povray.org>
John VanSickle wrote:
>The way I see it, if the artists' instructions for their models make enough
>sense, the Head Artist should be able to render everything in one scene,
>which is probably simpler than patching everything together.  Assembling a
>collage of different IRTC characters is a different issue.

Um, I guess I don't understand.  I was trying to get over the issues of
proprietary code and multitudinous rendering packages.  How could they
render everything in one scene?  I guess that your scenario would instead
be just like a photograph of a wall of a gallery, which might have less

Just thinking out loud,

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