POV-Ray : Newsgroups : irtc.animations : Sound? : Re: Sound? Server Time
8 Dec 2024 10:15:40 EST (-0500)
  Re: Sound?  
From: dbott
Date: 22 Sep 2007 00:24:00
Message: <46f498e0$1@news.povray.org>
It's funny you mentioned blender, I just installed it and have been messing
around with it for the last 2 weeks. While trying to produce a decent
animation "The Mother Hive" in pov. WIP `~~~>
http://www.eastsoundsuites.com/animations/test.bmp. I kinda like blender. I
spent 2 1/2 years off and on with pov, I think it might be time for a
change. But it's like starting all over. We will see how it

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