POV-Ray : Newsgroups : irtc.animations : Sound? : Re: Sound? Server Time
8 Oct 2024 04:42:56 EDT (-0400)
  Re: Sound?  
From: Markus Altendorff
Date: 21 Sep 2007 07:40:19
Message: <46f3ada3$1@news.povray.org>
Stephen wrote:

> these newsgroups do you really need it?

Uh... no. That's why i'm only in the IRTC newsgroups, because they're 
supposed to be "for everyone" :)
Then again, i've got a collection of software that goes back to 1996 or 
something, and it's nice to look "across the fence" from time to time. 
Specular Infini-D 3 or something was the first one i had (bought at a 
local mac store when they cleared their inventory), followed by 3.1 and 
3.5 until Specular collapsed and ID3.5 was sold to Metacreations, only 
to later resurface as ... uh ... wasn't it called "Canoma" or something? 
Box cover had a marble gargoyle sitting at a pond. Been a long time... 
by then, i was already too comfortable with C4D to spend substantial 
money on a second lane of tools.
Cinema started with version 5 (from a magazine, one of those "discount 
for upgrade" things), and i've kept up with it to the day. Even had some 
misspent cash on add-ons like "Shave and a Haircut" (hair plugin) or the 
Ozone "Sky and Clouds" extensions, that years later got rolled into the 
master software and only then became usable for me.
Another software i met was in Macromedia's Studio package (they even hat 
xRes, which was sort of a Photoshop rival), it was included when i 
bought my DTP tools, but i never really got the hang of it. Same for 
Poser, though i tend to follow the updates to the legal free older 
versions that are occasionally offered for promotion.
Looking back, it's amazing what got bundled into those "Studio" packages 
Then there's Blender, of course, but i just can't wrap my mind around 
the interface - or i'm just no trying hard enough. Has some nice tools 
and effects. So also checking out PoVray isn't all that off-base for me :)


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