POV-Ray : Newsgroups : irtc.animations : Rusty #33 uploaded to TC-RTC : Re: Rusty #33 uploaded to TC-RTC Server Time
11 Feb 2025 14:08:09 EST (-0500)
  Re: Rusty #33 uploaded to TC-RTC  
From: John VanSickle
Date: 31 Aug 2007 22:21:03
Message: <46d8cc8f@news.povray.org>
Trevor G Quayle wrote:
> John VanSickle <evi### [at] hotmailcom> wrote:
>>Now I can go do something else for a while...
> After almost 9 years of Rusty, when can we expect the feature length
> big-screen film? (I guess the Simpson's took 18 years so I'll give you a
> little slack).

That reminds me; I haven't checked up on the IMP for some time...  Ooh. 
  Doesn't look like much has happened in about a year.  Pity.

Anyhoo, the Rusty Movie will have to wait until I can come up with a 
story that works with the way Rusty and the rest communicate.


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