POV-Ray : Newsgroups : irtc.animations : >>it's to quiet<< : Re: >>it's to quiet<< Server Time
8 Oct 2024 10:54:12 EDT (-0400)
  Re: >>it's to quiet<<  
From: Markus Altendorff
Date: 26 Mar 2007 08:08:11
Message: <4607c5bb$1@news.povray.org>
i_need_a_unique_name wrote:
> I thought the end date for the space settlement was 23rd April, I'm still
> working on mine - being honest only just really got started but I've got a
> script and everything.

Well, i've got no objections to continuing a long-standing IRTC 
tradition of dragging out the due date ;)

> Its a crying shame that just when I decide to get back into raytracing the
> IRTC thing dies on its feet. 

It really is. I thought i could do a "participate once a year" schedule 
(after all, there *are* things like Real Life [don't need an additional 
"Second Life", thankyouverymuch ;) ] or "can't make head nor tail of 
that topic", and now that i've finally gotten a comfortable workflow... 
like you said.

 > (That and I break my shoulder, the resulting
> pain keeping me up at night with consequential lowering of IQ over the past
> few weeks).

Ouch. Get well...

> I'd be happy to lend a hand with dev/admin work for a new competition site.
> My day job is pretty much Java based but I'm sure PHP/Perl wouldn't be too
> hard to get upto speed with.

IIRC, the guys at irtc.stills are considering adding the option for 
animation entries to their plans for the interim page. Not sure if this 
stand-in contest is going to be POV only, or as open as the IRTC.


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