On 2/7/25 06:46, Bald Eagle wrote:
> William F Pokorny <ano### [at] anonymous org> wrote:
>> For the attached image the bump_map{} image generated was highly
>> asymmetric by intent (24 x 2400) and based upon yuqk's crackle with
>> ip_strength at 0.07.
>> Bill P.
> Nice!
> I'm waiting for it to crack open and green-yellow light come out.
Thanks. I had the thought it might make a good 'found in space' object
when I saw it.
> This is going to be on the poster for the new All-POV--Ray-rendered movie, isn't
> it? {Wheee!}
:-) IIRC, there was such an effort a couple decades ago or more.
'Internet Movie Project' maybe?
Aside: I should've added in my original post that in the x (or u)
direction of the wrap, the linear image interpolation ('ii_interpolate
2' in yuqk), of the function generated internal image, is primarily
responsible for the overall effect. I'm a little hung up of late on the
idea of using those image interpolations themselves (or combinations of
them (*)) for effects.
Bill P.
(*) - Differences / averages / directions, perhaps as additional
interpolation modes. We today, rather inconveniently, have no
interpolation in the '1' slot (a) and some implementations as seen from
the parser don't support a setting of '0' - though the yuqk fork always
does. (Plus the density_file option starts with 0 (no interpolation) and
'1' as the tri-linear interpolation, 2 as cubic...)
(a) - Worse, official versions of POV-Ray don't check the setting (or
map types settings) in many situations. If one tries 'interpolate 1',
for example, in the 'bump_map_v38.pov' scene I posted a few days ago in
this forum you get a black circle back for the sphere after nary a peep
from the parser. The value '1' is an illegal / unsupported setting and
the parser should complain.
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