"Bald Eagle" <cre### [at] netscapenet> wrote:
> "Kenneth" <kdw### [at] gmailcom> wrote:
> > That is also my usual method of playing with matrices, ha-- because I
> > still have a hard time understanding how they work and how to use them.
> A matrix is nothing more than a statement of the end position of each basis
> vector after the transformation.
> [clip]
Thanks for the useful info. Actually, the shearing ability of a matrix is one of
the (few) things that I do grasp. And William P's checkerboard rotation trick
has also been informative. But there are other more complex matrix transforms
that I have seen in newsgroup posts and include files that really baffle me, as
to how the 'magical' results are obtained. (Rune's old 'illusion.inc' file is a
prime example; I use it a lot, but its workings are a mystery to me.)
What I *need* to do is devote the time solely to learning the fundamentals-- and
without other POV-ray distractions. But that's difficult! Because there are
many *other* features that I only understand at a basic level...like
sophisticated functions! To truly learn all that I need to know, I could spend
25 hrs a day.
But every now and then, I have the urge to actually *render* something. ;-)
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