POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.general : Posting exes a problem for some clients? : Re: Posting exes a problem for some clients? Server Time
30 Mar 2025 22:57:29 EDT (-0400)
  Re: Posting exes a problem for some clients?  
From: Thomas de Groot
Date: 27 Mar 2025 04:20:33
Message: <67e50a51$1@news.povray.org>
Op 25/03/2025 om 15:11 schreef Patrick Elliott:
> I have been using, or trying to use, thunderbird, and more recently 
> betterbird to read the posts from this server for a while. Recently I 
> have run into cases of it just crashing out on me within seconds of 
> clicking on a post. I finally figured out what "one" of them at least 
> had that was different - it contained not a sensible "zip" file, or the 
> like, but an actual EXE. Not sure why this is the case, other than that 
> maybe the "preview" functionality for showing things in-message, is 
> somehow trying to "show", i.e., run these things, and the client is 
> going, "Nope!", and crashing. But.. I have to wonder, having noted this 
> case, if somehow this is what is taking place.
For the record, using Win11, I have been using Thunderbird for ages to 
read the POV ng's and never had any crashes with .exe files included in 
a message. So this seems to be a particular/special case? just my two 


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