On 3/19/25 02:25, William F Pokorny wrote:
> Playing with the thickness parameter.
> I've always specified values >0, but it works with values at 0 and with
> negative values. With the latter though, by intent or mistake, only
> renders the front and back surfaces - and the interior exterior
> treatments are interesting / different(*).
> Iideally we'd have an 'open' capability with text{}, but the way the
> negative thickness values are working allows us to somewhat easily add
> front and back surface textures which are different than the text{} sides.
OK. Attached a sample image for many of the text{} updates coming in
release R19 of the yuqk fork. Namely, new text{} features 'caps' and
'open' along with fixes for negative thickness specifications. Negative
thickness becomes an OK thing to do and not something which only partly
Bill P.
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