POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.newusers : Trouble cutting objects : Trouble cutting objects Server Time
23 Feb 2025 14:49:06 EST (-0500)
  Trouble cutting objects  
From: kurtz le pirate
Date: 23 Feb 2025 05:17:46
Message: <67baf5ca$1@news.povray.org>

In the attached image (this is a view from below).

In the center, the object built from the union of a cylinder and a mesh.

On the right, the same object “cut” at the base by a plane
difference {
  object { Screw }
  plane { y,0 }

And then, as you can see, something “weird” happens.

If I make the difference with a box, it's the same thing.
And, if instead of “cutting” at the bottom, I cut at the top, the same 
thing happens. It can't be a problem of surface coincidence. The values 
are quite different, in fact.

Do you have any ideas for solving this issue ?

nb: the vertical black line with the balls is simply  gauge to check the 
screw pitch and has nothing to do with the problem.

kurtz le pirate
compagnie de la banquise

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