In part due a bug report, and in part due an offline discussion with jr
regarding an effort more than 15 years ago to implement a df3 file
encoding format based upon 2d polygons in each z plane as a compression
technique - I've been working on the polygon object's code.
The result is updated code which fixes a number of bugs and, of more
interest to me, implements potential{} value pattern support(*) for the
polygon object.
(*) The potential{} pattern is new to v3.8 and the initial
implementation supports the blob{} and isosurface{} objects which
naturally have a value fields defining the resulting shape.
The potential{} pattern support for the polygon object is based upon an
expanded concept for what potential pattern support for an object means
in general. It can be about more than reproducing the original shape as
an isosurface or pattern.
Attached is an image with some examples and my initial pass at some
documentation for yuqk's polygon object.
The upper left two images are the same as one gets with official POV-Ray
releases. The green specifies the points in clockwise order. The red in
counter-clockwise order.
The upper right two images show the 'ip_type 0' potential pattern
support which is a sort of infinite in z inside / outside test. The
inside values being (1.0*('ip_offset value')). By wrapping these
potential{} patterns in function{}s, this 'ip_type 0' is essentially a
drawn drawn polygon-tiles and calk method. A numerically noise proof,
and infinitely flexible alternative to the 'pavement' and 'tiling' value
patterns, for example.
The bottom row of images show some of the kinds of potential patterns
returned. The left most bottom being one of three possible
bounding-box-based potential patterns.
The remaining three images in the bottom row return polygon point
values, connections between polygon points values and, on the very
right, a stand-in 3D potential somewhat similar to the inbuilt
f_rounded_box() function's value field - but defined by the polygon
object's 2D shape.
Bill P.
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