On 11/29/24 09:18, Bald Eagle wrote:
> I had something bouncing around in the back of my head this morning, and since
> this thread concerns the PRNG, I'll drop this here.
> If you look at my issue here:
> https://news.povray.org/web.650c19af5bb87ec31f9dae3025979125%40news.povray.org
> this exposed what I believe to be a long-standing non-uniformity in the returned
> values from POV-Ray's built-in PRNG.
> Have we taken a deep look at the values that the PRNG returns?
> I was examining this from a color_map point of view way back, and I think it
> would be good to have something uniform/linear unless otherwise specified.
> - BW
Due the noise_generator changes in yuqk, I've been working on
documentation which I think will help. See the attached text file.
I believe the noise you were trying to use is a smoothed noise which in
addition to not being locally random at all, roughly follows a normal /
Gaussian centered distribution over all values returned.
The yuqk fork has implemented a few different methods for uniform random
noise in a range beyond what we can do with seed() and random() at parse
Bill P.
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