POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.beta-test : Can't see what's in the queue? : Can't see what's in the queue? Server Time
4 Nov 2024 14:11:45 EST (-0500)
  Can't see what's in the queue?  
From: Mike Williams
Date: 11 Sep 2001 02:31:40
Message: <y4WHTAAD+an7EwJ1@econym.demon.co.uk>
I know that it was technically the same in 3.1, but the fact that the
name of the default installation directory for 3.5b1 is 17 characters
longer means that when I look to see what files are still in the
rendering queue all I can see is:-
 |c:\program files\pov-ray for windows v3.5\scenes\advanced\|
 |c:\program files\pov-ray for windows v3.5\scenes\advanced\|
 |c:\program files\pov-ray for windows v3.5\scenes\advanced\|
 |c:\program files\pov-ray for windows v3.5\scenes\advanced\|
 |c:\program files\pov-ray for windows v3.5\scenes\advanced\|
 |c:\program files\pov-ray for windows v3.5\scenes\advanced\|
 |                                                          |
 |                                                          |

I can't find any way at all to persuade it to show me the bit on the
right (which is the bit I'm interested in).

58 visible characters was reasonable for v3.1, but the extra 
" for windows v3.5" in every file name means that the box would be much
more useful if it were now made to hold something like 75 characters.

v3.5b1, Win98se, AMDK6-2 500, 128Mb

Mike Williams
Gentleman of Leisure

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