Wasn't it Fjolsvit who wrote:
>This may be obvious, and I've simply overlooked it, but I can't seem to
>figure out a way to explicitly say what color I want at a specific point
>on a surface. Basically what I want is a way to draw the u and v
>coordinate lines ...u = -2, u = -1, u = 0, u = 1, u = 2 ...,...v = -2, v
>= -1, v = 0, v = 1, v = 2 ..., etc.
>This *seems* like it should be easy. Suggestions?
If the object is one of those which supports uv_mapping, then you can
use a uu_mapped pigment function something like this:
#declare Spacing = 20;
sphere {0,1
pigment {
function {min(abs(sin(u*pi*Spacing)),
color_map { [0.0 rgb 0]
[0.05 rgb 0]
[0.05 rgb 1]
[1 rgb 1]
Mike Williams
Gentleman of Leisure
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