POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.images : brain bot progress rendering : Re: brain bot progress rendering Server Time
18 Feb 2025 17:22:44 EST (-0500)
  Re: brain bot progress rendering  
From: Samuel B 
Date: 24 Jul 2023 19:25:00
Message: <web.64bf070d41b179eff8c47d526e741498@news.povray.org>
"Mike Miller" <mil### [at] gmailcom> wrote:
> Thanks.
> You're welcome to the VBcode or executables for .x3d to POV if you think you can
> use them. One thing that I'm not converting are quaternion. I got hung-up on the
> math converting back to euler. It hasn't been a big problem but it would be nice
> to store rotation.
> Mike.

I'll hit you up if I need it, but I haven't had a use for that recently. (Plus,
I don't work with VBcode, but maybe Code::Blocks probably supports it.)

Did the hang-up have to do with matrices? I know there's a way to derive
position, scale and rotation info from a single matrix.

I can't remember how I got rotational info out of Blender. This is the post I
made back when I was playing with a certain Blender-to-POV data exporter (I
can't believe it's already been 11 years!):


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