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From: yesbird
Date: 18 Feb 2023 15:25:00
Message: <web.63f131bec23a6d9b3a8a2ec10800fb2@news.povray.org>

Can anybody explain me, please, how 'isosurface' works ?
I am trying to render:

V = cos(x) + cos(y) + cos(z); // Attached

but see nothing, except the axis. At the same time function from tutorial works
fine (see code below).

Thanks in advance,

#version 3.8;
global_settings { assumed_gamma 1 }

#include "functions.inc"

// Axis textures
#declare fin_axis = finish { phong 1 reflection {0.10 metallic 0.4 }}
#declare tex_axis_common = texture {
           pigment { rgb <0.70, 0.70, 0.70> }
           finish  { fin_axis }}
#declare tex_axis_x = texture { pigment { rgb x} finish { fin_axis }}
#declare tex_axis_y = texture { pigment { rgb y} finish { fin_axis }}
#declare tex_axis_z = texture { pigment { rgb z} finish { fin_axis }}

// Axis
#macro axis_base( len, rad, tex_odd, tex_even )
    cylinder { <0, -len, 0>,<0, len, 0>, rad
               texture{ checker texture{ tex_odd } texture{ tex_even }
               translate <0.1, 0, 0.1> }}

    cone{<0, len, 0>, rad * 2, <0, len + rad * 7, 0>, 0 texture{tex_even} }}

#macro axis_xyz( len_x, len_y, len_z, rad, tex_common, tex_x, tex_y, tex_z)
    #if (len_x != 0) object { axis_base(len_x, rad, tex_common, tex_x) rotate<
0, 0,-90>} #end
    #if (len_y != 0) object { axis_base(len_y, rad, tex_common, tex_y) rotate<
0, 0,  0>} #end
    #if (len_z != 0) object { axis_base(len_z, rad, tex_common, tex_z) rotate<
90, 0,  0>} #end }

#macro axis(len_x, len_y, len_z, rad)
    axis_xyz( len_x, len_y, len_z, rad, tex_axis_common, tex_axis_x, tex_axis_y,

// Perspective camera
#macro camp (_x, _y, _z, _lx, _ly, _lz, _ang)
  { perspective
    location < _x,  _y,  _z>
    look_at  <_lx, _ly, _lz>
    angle _ang

// Lights
#declare luminosity = 1.7;
light_source {<0,  10, 0>, rgb <1,1,1> * luminosity }
light_source {<0, -10, 0>, rgb <1,1,1> * luminosity }

light_source {< 10, 0, 0>, rgb <1,1,1> * luminosity }
light_source {<-10, 0, 0>, rgb <1,1,1> * luminosity }

light_source {<0, 0,  10>, rgb <1,1,1> * luminosity }
light_source {<0, 0, -10>, rgb <1,1,1> * luminosity }

axis (3,3,3,0.02)
camp (5,5,5, 0,0.3,0, 55)

//-------------  Objects --------------------------------------------

// FUnction
// #declare f = function { f_sphere(x,y,z,0.8) - pow(f_noise3d(x,y,z),2) } // Ok
#declare f = function { cos(x) + cos(y) + cos(z) } // Not displayed (?)

// Surface
isosurface {
  function { f(x,y,z) }

  pigment { rgbft <0,0.5,0,0.6,0>
            scale 2
            translate 1}

  scale 1.5 }

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