POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.images : Object Labels : Re: Object Labels Server Time
2 May 2024 09:59:01 EDT (-0400)
  Re: Object Labels  
From: Melody
Date: 20 Jan 2020 03:35:00
Message: <web.5e25661a28c763ef9da690110@news.povray.org>
Here's what you can do with it; IF you can rotate around an axis. I don't know
how in POV. vrotate() is not rotation(r,axis,pnt). If you cant, you need
triangulation.inc ... added centering option, and y adjust.
CamAng change, scale stays ...

#declare campos = <0,80,-250>;
#declare cameye = vnormalize(<20,12,0>-campos);
#declare camup = <-1,1,0>;
#declare camright = vnormalize(vcross(camup,cameye));
#declare camup = vnormalize(vcross(cameye,camright));
#declare FontSize = 1.0;
#declare camang = 30;

camera {
  location campos
  right camright
  up camup *(image_height/image_width)
  direction cameye*(image_height/image_width)
  angle camang
#include "transforms.inc"
#macro label(Text,objv,r,col,top,center,ydeg)
#local fl = 1/tan(radians(camang/2));
#local vl = vlength(objv-campos)/(fl*20);
#if (top)
#local pnt = camup*(r*1.05)+objv;
#local pnt = -camup*(vl*FontSize+r)+objv;
#local eye = vnormalize(pnt-campos);
object {
  text {
    ttf "Arial.ttf" Text 1 0
    texture {  pigment { rgb col }  finish { ambient 1 diffuse 0 } }
  #if (center) translate -x*((strlen(Text)/2) * FontSize / (2*FontSize)) #end
  scale vl*FontSize
 #if (ydeg) rotate y* ydeg #end
label("HELLO 162",<60,24,80>,48,<0.0196, 0.0196, 0.2156>,1,1,0)
label("Here are 492",y* 29.9,24*.8,<0.0196, 0.0196, 0.2156>,0,1,0)

#declare pnt = rotation(radians(camang/2.04),camup,cameye)*10+campos;
#declare d = 1;
#declare rowh = camang * 0.005;
label("Display Info 0",pnt,0,0,1,0,d)
label("Row 1",pnt,rowh * 1,0,1,0,d)
label("Row 2",pnt,rowh * 2,0,1,0,d)
label("Row 3",pnt,rowh * 3,0,1,0,d)
label("Row 4",pnt,rowh * 4,0,1,0,d)
label("Row 5",pnt,rowh * 5,0,1,0,d)

label("Row 1",pnt,rowh * 0,0,0,0,d)
label("Row 2",pnt,rowh * 1,0,0,0,d)
label("Row 3",pnt,rowh * 2,0,0,0,d)
label("Row 4",pnt,rowh * 3,0,0,0,d)
label("Row 5",pnt,rowh * 4,0,0,0,d)
label(concat("CamAng ",str(camang,0,0)),pnt,rowh * 5,0,0,0,d)

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