"Kenneth" <kdw### [at] gmailcom> wrote:
> Here is one way to do it. I remade your T_warn1 texture as T_warn_2. You might
> need another very similar texture (with a different radial 'frequency') for your
> plane, so that the warning stripes there look equal in size to the cylinder's
> stripes.
> #declare T_warn_2 =
> texture{
> pigment{
> radial
> sine_wave
> frequency 16
> color_map{
> [.5 rgb 0]
> [.5 rgb <1,.7,0>]
> }
> }
> }
> #declare Thing=
> difference{
> sphere {0,9.05 pigment {rgb 0.1}}
> sphere {0,8.55 pigment {rgb 0.1}}
> cylinder{<0,-10,0>, <0,10,0> 5.01 // made in Y instead of X
> texture {T_warn_2}
> rotate 90*z
> }
> plane {z,-1 hollow texture {T_warn_2 rotate 90*x}}
> finish {diffuse .25}
> photons {collect off}
> }
Thanks a lot, after hours of waiting I got it. My math fails in calculating the
exakt radius of the sphere at the intersection point with the plane so I alterd
the frequency in an animation until it looked good. Guess thats a lazy way but
studying math would take much longer.
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