POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.images : Example images for the related post: "Rendering an electromagnetic field an= : Re: Example images for the related post: "Rendering an electromagnetic fiel= Server Time
13 May 2024 22:24:52 EDT (-0400)
  Re: Example images for the related post: "Rendering an electromagnetic fiel=  
From: cbpypov
Date: 27 Oct 2017 10:30:01
Message: <web.59f341c5231a9fe3306cf3e40@news.povray.org>
"Bald Eagle" <cre### [at] netscapenet> wrote:
> And just some random arrows using VRand_On_Sphere () before I hit the sack.
> #declare Rad = 0.0125;
> #declare Intense = 0.5;
> #declare Rays = 12;
> #declare Stream = seed (123);
> #declare Line = 0.00125;
> #declare Glow = 20;
> #macro GlowRays ()
>  union{
>   #for (R, 1, Rays)
>    #declare Start = VRand_On_Sphere (Stream)*Rad*2;
>    #declare End = Start*Glow/6;
>    object {Vector (Start, End, Line) texture {pigment {Yellow} finish {diffuse
> 1}}}
>   #end
>   no_shadow
>  }
> #end
> #for (X, -1, 1)
>  QuantumDot (Rad, Rad*Glow, Intense, <X/7, 0.5, 0>)
>  object {GlowRays () translate <X/7, 0.5, 0>}
> #end
> I think now is the time to get an overall idea of your final render, so you can
> structure things to best accomplish that, rather than let this thing get too
> "organically-grown" and hard to re-write.

Hello everyone. So you convinced me and I chose the df3 route which turns out to
work absolutely well. I used the python df3 library you had linked and created
one file for each component of RGB using the colormap I like. For the media
settings I was using Stephens code (thank you very much! A small thing: the
`hollow` keyword was missing :) ).

I further set the QD absorption to 0. as Bald Eagle suggested. I really like the
arrow thing you posted, but somehow I could not figure out where the `Vector`
function comes from? My povray does not know it and I could not find an .inc
that defines it. Could you post more code that you used for the image with
arrows? I'll attach an image of the single unit cell here, together with 3
example quantum dots.

In the next to posts I will attach an image of the _patterned_ version, which is
not working yet because the boxes in which the field is defined overlap. How can
I solve this problem?

Basically, I think it is almost done and I thank you all so very much. A few
final things remain:
  - The emitters: is it possible to choose some random coordinates in each
    unit cell and read the emitter intensity from the df3 file as well?
    (the intensity of the emitters should correspond to the field intensity
    at their positions)
  - Making a _great_ render of this nice approach :) Maybe this is to much to
    ask for, but I think the really important thing is to tune the materials,
    lights and quality options to gain a really stunning image in the end.
    Unfortunately I do not seem to have enough overview of these things. Is
    it possible that you would help me with it?

Finally, I cleaned up the code. Here it is:

// Author:  Carlo Barth
// Date:    2016/10/21
// Purpose: A high-quality, artistic render of quantum dots (QDs) near a
//          photonic crystal surface, interacting with a leaky-mode.
//          The leaky mode is represented by a color-coded volume render.
//          The QDs have an emission proportional to the local field energy
//          density, denoted by a glowing aura and random arrows.
// Details: The data is based on a finite element method solve of the
//          photonic crystal on glass. The glass substrate is omitted in the
//          render. See the related paper describing most of the experimental
//          and numerical methods and results:
//              http://aip.scitation.org/doi/10.1063/1.4995229

// Imports
#include "colors.inc"
#include "textures.inc"
#include "glass.inc"
#include "metals.inc"
#include "rand.inc"

//                  SECTION: Parameters and settings

// Global Settings
#version 3.7;
    assumed_gamma 1.0

// Global parameters
// 0=off, 1=fast; 2=medium quality; 3=high qual.;
// 4= medium qual.+ recursion_limit 2
#declare Radiosity_On  = 0;
#declare Spot_on = true; // whether to use spot lights
#declare Camera_Type = 2; // 1 = wide view, 2 = close-up

// Real geometry parameters in nanometer
#declare a_real = 600.; // lattice constant
#declare d_real = 367.; // hole diameter
#declare h_real = 116.; // phc height
#declare r_qds_real = 2.8; // radius quantum dots (QD)
#declare r_qds_aura = 15; // maximum radius factor for QD aura
// extent of the field volume
#declare field_box_dim_real = <692.820, 610., 600.>;
// translation vector for field volume alignment
#declare field_box_trans_real = <-346.41016151400004, -250., -300.>;

// Derived parameters and abbreviating expressions
#declare a = a_real/a_real;
#declare d = d_real/a_real;
#declare h = h_real/a_real;
#declare r_qds = r_qds_real/a_real;
#declare field_box_dim = field_box_dim_real/a_real;
#declare field_box_trans = field_box_trans_real/a_real;
#declare sqrt3 = 0.5*sqrt(3.); // for hexagonal lattice
#declare cx = a/sqrt3/4; // standard x coordinate of hexagon
#declare cy = 0.5*a; // standard y coordinate of hexagon
#declare Repeat_unit_cells = false; // whether to repeat the unit cell
#declare rows = 5; // rows of the unit cell repetition pattern
#declare cols = 5; // columns of the unit cell repetition pattern

// Parameters related to artistic depections, rather than real properties
#declare r_aura = r_qds*r_qds_aura; // radius QD aura max (in diameters)
#declare Field_brightness = 3.; // Brightness of the field render
#declare Field_interpolation = 1; // Brightness of the field render

// Camera
#switch (Camera_Type)
    #case (1)
    #declare Camera = camera {
        angle 40
        location <0, 2, -3>
        look_at <0, h/2, 0>
        right x*image_width/image_height

    #case (2)
    #declare Camera = camera {
        angle 30
        location <0.5, h*5, -2>
        look_at <0, h/3, 0>
        right x*image_width/image_height
#end  // end of switch


//                  SECTION: Illumination

// Radiosity
#if (Radiosity_On > 0)

global_settings {
    #ifndef ( Rad_Quality )
        #declare Rad_Quality = Radiosity_On;

    //--------- radiosity settings -------------------------------- ///
    // from POV-Ray samples "scene templates/patio-radio.pov

    #switch (Rad_Quality)
    #case (1)
    radiosity {             // --- Settings 1 (fast) ---
        pretrace_start 0.08
        pretrace_end   0.02
        count 50
        error_bound 0.5
        recursion_limit 1
    #case (2)
    radiosity {             // --- Settings 2 (medium quality) ---
        pretrace_start 0.08
        pretrace_end   0.01
        count 120
        error_bound 0.25
        recursion_limit 1
    #case (3)
    radiosity {             // --- Settings 3 (high quality) ---
        pretrace_start 0.08
        pretrace_end   0.005
        count 400
        error_bound 0.1
        recursion_limit 1
    #case (4)
    radiosity {             // --- Settings 4 (medium quality, recursion_limit)
        pretrace_start 0.08
        pretrace_end   0.005
        count 350
        error_bound 0.15
        recursion_limit 2
    #case (5)
    radiosity {             // --- Settings 5 (high quality, recursion_limit )
        pretrace_start 0.08
        pretrace_end   0.005
        count 350
        error_bound 0.1
        recursion_limit 2
    #end  // end of switch
    } // end of global settings

    #default{ finish {emission 0. diffuse 0. ambient 0.}}


    #default{ finish{ ambient 0.1 diffuse 0.9 }
    } // for intel computers


// Light sources

// A group of 3 spot lights
#if (Spot_on)
    light_source{ // greenish
        <1.,15*h,-1> color rgb <.8,1,.8>
        radius 60  // hotspot
        tightness 100
        falloff 90

    light_source{ // blueish
        <-1.,15*h,-1> color rgb <.8,.8,1>
        radius 60  // hotspot
        tightness 100
        falloff 90

    light_source{  // "white"
        <0,15*h,-1> color rgb <.8,.8,.8>
        radius 60  // hotspot
        tightness 100
        falloff 90

//                  SECTION: Object description

// Textures

// Material of the photonic crystal
#declare t_shiny_metal =
texture {
    pigment {
        rgb <.55, .42, .41>
    finish {
        specular 0.2 roughness 0.5
        brilliance 4

// Functions

// Spherical exponential decay
#declare Exp_decay = function (x, y, z, Rad_factor) {
    exp( -(pow(x,2) + pow(y,2) + pow(z,2))*60/Rad_factor )

// Macros

// The quantum dot macro
#macro QuantumDot(Radius, Radius_aura, Intensity, Origin)
    // The actual quantum dot
        <0,0,0>, Radius
        texture{ Glass2 } // end of texture
        translate Origin
    } // end of sphere

    // The glowing aura
    sphere {
        Radius_aura*(1+Intensity) //Radius* (Intensity*r_qds_aura + 1)
        pigment { rgbt 1 } hollow
        { media
            { emission Intensity*10
              density {
                function { Exp_decay(x, y, z, Radius_aura*(1+Intensity)) }
                color_map {
                    [0.0 rgbt <0,0,0,0>]
                    [0.5 rgbt <0.5, 0.5, 0.7,0>]
                    [1.0 rgbt <1,1,1,0>]

            { absorption 0.
        translate Origin
//    #end // end of #for loop
#end // ------------------ end of macro

// Loop for triangular lattice
#macro TriangularLoop ( Object, trans_vec )
    #local ii = -cols;
    #while ( ii < cols )
        #local jj = -rows;
        #while ( jj < rows )
            #if ( mod(ii,2) = 0 )
              #local hexshift = 0.5*a;
              #local hexshift = 0.;

              translate <ii*a*sqrt3, 0., jj*a+hexshift>
              translate trans_vec

            #local jj = jj+1;
        #local ii = ii+1;
#end // ------------------ end of macro

// Compound objects

// Silicon material in the hexagonal unit cell
#declare geo_si = prism {
    0., // sweep the following shape from here ...
    h, // ... up through here
    7, // the number of points making up the shape ...
    <-2*cx,0>, <-cx,cy>, <cx,cy>, <2*cx,0>, <cx,-cy>, <-cx,-cy>, <-2*cx,0>

// Cylinder representing the hole in the silicon
#declare geo_hole = cylinder {
    <0., -0.1, 0.>, <0., h+0.1, 0.>, d/2.

// Photonic crystal in unit cell by difference of silicon membrane and hole
#declare phc = difference {
    object{ geo_si }
    object{ geo_hole }

// A single unit cell of the photonic crystal
#declare PhC_object = object{
    texture{ t_shiny_metal }

// Field render in unit cell
#declare Field_object = box {
    <0,0,0>, <1,1,1>
    texture {
     pigment {
       colour rgbft <1.000,1.000,1.00,0.000,1.000>

     ior                 1.000
     caustics            0.000
     dispersion          1.000
     dispersion_samples  7.000
     fade_power          0.000
     fade_distance       0.000
     fade_color          rgb <0.000,0.000,0.000>

     // Red
     media {
       method     3
       intervals  10
       samples    1, 1
       confidence 0.900
       variance   0.008
       ratio      0.900
       absorption rgb <0,0,0>
       emission   rgb <1,0,0> * Field_brightness
       aa_threshold 0.050
       aa_level    4
       density {
         density_file df3 "efield_energy_in_superspace_R.df3"
         interpolate Field_interpolation

     // Green
     media {
       method     3
       intervals  10
       samples    1, 1
       confidence 0.900
       variance   0.008
       ratio      0.900
       absorption rgb <0,0,0>
       emission   rgb <0,1,0> * Field_brightness
       aa_threshold 0.050
       aa_level    4
       density {
         density_file df3 "efield_energy_in_superspace_G.df3"
         interpolate Field_interpolation

     // Blue
     media {
       method     3
       intervals  10
       samples    1, 1
       confidence 0.900
       variance   0.008
       ratio      0.900
       absorption rgb <0,0,0>
       emission   rgb <0,0,1> * Field_brightness
       aa_threshold 0.050
       aa_level    4
       density {
         density_file df3 "efield_energy_in_superspace_B.df3"
         interpolate Field_interpolation

    // Set proper size and position
    scale field_box_dim
    translate field_box_trans

// Union of PhC and field
#declare PhC_with_Field = union {
    object{ PhC_object }
    object{ Field_object }

//                  SECTION: Objects in scene

// Background

// Floor
{ y, 0.
        texture {
            pigment{ rgb<.1,.1,.15>}
            finish {
                reflection .05

// Photonic crystal with field render
#if (Repeat_unit_cells)
        TriangularLoop ( PhC_with_Field, <0,0,0> )

// Some quantum dots
QuantumDot( r_qds, r_aura, 0.6, <0.3, 2*h, 0.>)
QuantumDot( r_qds, r_aura, 0.4, <-0.3, 2.5*h, 0.>)
QuantumDot( r_qds, r_aura, 1.0, <-0.2, 2*h, -0.2>)

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