POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.images : city building generator WIP : Re: city building generator WIP Server Time
7 Nov 2024 00:18:37 EST (-0500)
  Re: city building generator WIP  
From: Kenneth
Date: 23 Jul 2017 06:20:00
Message: <web.59747750164bd7b0883fb31c0@news.povray.org>
Thomas de Groot <tho### [at] degrootorg> wrote:
> To exclude the window areas you would need a (for instance) black/white
> image alongside each tile and use the eval_pigment() test to exclude the
> window areas.

That sounds intriguing. Although, I'm not quite sure how to go about it, in this
case. Each building's face is actually a single squashed-and-stretched 'boxed'
pattern (with the window image tiles 'inside the box', and repeated.) And the
windows' reflection 'hold-out matte(s)' are just black-and-white masks-- but the
same size as the small image tiles. Just thinking out loud: For the eval_pigment
trick to work as I imagine, the final FULL boxed pattern would need to be
evaluated pixel by pixel, then another (larger) black-and-white 'holdout matte'
generated from that, to be used as the hold-out for the additional overall
'dirt' texture on the entire building face.(?) But I'm not sure how to actually
*generate* such an image, pixel by pixel. The only time I've ever done something
like that was to assign a tiny flat box to each evaluated pixel! Thousands of
tiny boxes, in other words, in a grid. I've never created an actual *single*
IMAGE that way.

The bigger *main* problem I'm currently running into is that 'patterned
textures' cannot have additional overlayed textures applied to them. (I'm
currently using texture{boxed{texture_map{...}}  and  texture{image_pattern...}
to create the building faces-- both(?) of which are considered 'patterened'
textures.) I haven't yet found a way to work around this limitation... and have
had to write some rather inelegant code just to get the buildings into their
current state!

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