Thomas de Groot <tho### [at] degrootorg> wrote:
> It is looking great already. The user's quote use reminds me of
> something more 1940's or 1950's, although it still pops up in ads now
> and then. It might be my own bias ;-) However, could you give the scene
> a period look? I am thinking specifically about those Coke ads of the 50's.
Those old Coke ads are pretty cool. I'm not sure how to re-create that look with
POV-Ray. They seem to depend on a certain style of drawing. People from the '50s
looked a lot more wholesome than today!
> I had been unaware of that /detail/.
I guess the slang term "Drink the Kool-Aid" isn't as commonly used as I thought.
I'm glad I added the explanation. A similar concept is being a "company man,"
although according to my understanding of the terms "drinking the Kool-Aid" has
a more sinister, insidious connotation. It's truly moral suicide. I've known a
few people who've done it and it's a horrible thing. The eventual results are
divisiveness, arrogance, shallowness, corruption, betrayal, greed, and hatred.
There's no going back. Hence the comparison to the Jonestown event.
Dave Blandston
PS - Have a great day!
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