"Kenneth" <kdw### [at] gmailcom> wrote:
> This is really cool. I especially like the idea of being able to choose the
> degree of roughness/fineness of the discretising. Nice work, and good
> conceptualizing.
Thanks! :)
It seems I re-invented HSV and came up with my own way of representing it from
scratch. :|
I was extremely happy when that first histogram popped up after I had enough
"Ohhhhh!...." debugging epiphanies. :D
> Am I guessing correctly that the 'hexagon' shape is actually a 3-D volumetric
> cube? Or just flat? If 3-D, then I can visualize what you mean by the grays and
> whites being "pushed to the rear" of the cube. That would make sense visually--
> the 'center point' of the 2-D hexagon (or 'front corner' of the cube)
> representing pure black, and the 'rear corner' of the cube representing pure
> white.
The hexagons are 3 parallelograms fitted together - I hadn't figured out how to
do the whole gamut in one go. All flat, z=0.
The color values sampled from the picture have the z value determined by some
modification of R+G+B. Black is toward the camera, whites and grays and lighter
color shades toward the rear.
My immediate goal was to home in on the major contributing hues of the image,
since I think it's easier for a user (me) to lighten/darken a color rather than
try to adjust the hue with some unknown amount of R, G, or B.
It's very difficult for me to ... accept ... my rendered procedural
pigments/textures as being accurate representations of the original color -
probably because there is so much other information in the subtle shading and
textural variations of something real, that my brain doesn't like the
approximation I come up with. (Even though a uv-mapped version using a cropped
section of the original photo looks nearly identical)
Perhaps I could find a way to measure the range of saturation of each discrete
area, and vary the shading of the histogram cylinders to suggest that variation.
Not sure how else I'd be able to jam that much info into one 3D space that's
fully visible to the camera.
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