POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.images : Re: Regarding the defocus module : Re: Regarding the defocus module Server Time
7 Nov 2024 07:32:15 EST (-0500)
  Re: Regarding the defocus module  
From: pkrskr
Date: 9 Aug 2016 06:00:00
Message: <web.57a9a8db29233825f2ed086a0@news.povray.org>
> No, that's a misunderstanding there. The pinhole ray is also traced
> through the center of the /virtual/ aperture.

Okay. So it seems like in the illustration you provided earlier, the red ray
should be corrected to pass through the center of the virtual aperture and not
the real aperture, since it represents the pinhole ray. And then it seems like
the jitter is applied around the location of the pinhole?

> As I said before:
> "(1) The nominal camera location always corresponds to the center of the
> virtual aperture."
> As a matter of fact, POV-Ray /never/ actually "thinks" of the real
> camera geometry in the first place, since the geometry is only specified
> indirectly. When you set up a camera in POV-Ray, you are essentially
> specifying:
> - The camera location = center of the virtual aperture.
> - The direction of the camera axis (via `direction` or `look_at`).
> - The distance between the virtual aperture and the plane in focus
> (again via `direction` or `look_at`).
> - The effective horizontal and vertical opening angle of the camera
> (either via `up`/`right` and `direction`, or via `angle`).
> There is an infinite number of physical cameras that satisfy any given
> combination of these parameters.

Okay. I think I understand what you are saying here. You are right about the
existence of several cameras for which the same parameter combination holds.

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