Tried a second method based on 4D vectors converted to 3D coordinates.
I get output that superficially appears to be valid, but I have problems when
adding bonds to "the 4 nearest neighbors" - it just seems like it comes out
I added some checks to filter out invalid endpoint coordinates, but that didn't
seem to fix things.
Change space and iterations to increase or decrease the number of spheres.
#declare ShowCylinders = false;
#declare Space = 10;
#declare Iterations = 10;
#for (d, -Iterations, Iterations)
#for (a, -Space, Space)
#for (b, -Space, Space)
#for (c, -Space, Space)
#if ( (a+b+c)=0 | (a+b+c)=1)
#declare X = (a + b - c - d);
#declare Y = (a - b + c - d);
#declare Z = (-a + b + c - d);
//#debug concat( " X = ", str(X, 3, 1), " Y = ", str(Y, 3, 1), " Z = ",
str(Z, 3, 1), "\n")
sphere {<X, Y, Z> 0.125 texture {pigment {Blue*0.4} finish {specular 0.6}}
#if (ShowCylinders)
// The four nearest neighbors of each point may be obtained, in this
coordinate system,
// by adding one to each of the four coordinates, or by subtracting one
from each of the four coordinates,
// accordingly as the coordinate sum is zero or one.
#declare FourD = array[4] {a, b, c, d}
#declare NewPoint = array[4] {0, 0, 0, 0}
#for (Adjustment, 0, 3)
#for (Power, 1, 2)
#declare Factor = pow (-1, Adjustment);
#for (Coordinate, 0, 3)
#if (Coordinate = Adjustment)
#declare NewPoint[Coordinate] = FourD[Coordinate]+Factor;
#declare NewPoint[Coordinate] = FourD[Coordinate];
#end // end if
#end // for Coordinate
#declare a2 = NewPoint[0];
#declare b2 = NewPoint[1];
#declare c2 = NewPoint[2];
#declare d2 = NewPoint[3];
#if ( (a2+b2+c2)=0 | (a2+b2+c2)=1)
#declare X2 = ( a2 + b2 - c2 - d2);
#declare Y2 = ( a2 - b2 + c2 - d2);
#declare Z2 = (-a2 + b2 + c2 - d2);
#if (X=X2 | Y=Y2 | Z=Z2)
cylinder {<X, Y, Z>, <X2, Y2, Z2>, 0.0725 pigment {Red}}
#end // end degenerate cylinder check
#end // end a2+b2+c2 check
#end // end for Power
#end // end for Adjustment
#end // end if ShowCylinders
#end // end if
#end // end for c
#end // end for b
#end // end for a
#end // end for d
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