![](/i/fill.gif) |
Illustration re:
#version 3.7;
global_settings{ assumed_gamma 1.0 }
#include "debug.inc"
Set_Debug (true)
#include "colors.inc"
#include "textures.inc"
#include "shapes.inc"
#include "shapes2.inc"
#include "functions.inc"
#include "math.inc"
#include "transforms.inc"
light_source { <0, 150, 0> color rgb <1, 1, 1>}
#declare Camera_Top = camera {
location <0, 4, -0.01>
//right x*image_width/image_height
look_at <0, 0, 0>}
#declare Camera_Front = camera {
location <5, 20, -20>
//right x*image_width/image_height
look_at <5, 10, 0>}
camera {Camera_Top}
plane {y, 0 pigment {White}}
#declare T1 = 0.01; // Line widths
#declare T2 = 0.005;
#declare MarkerCircle = 0.012;
#declare Teeth = 36; #declare N = Teeth; // Number of teeth on gear (N)
#declare Pitch = 24; #declare P = Pitch; // Gear pitch (P)
#declare RootCircle = (Teeth-2)/Pitch; #declare RD = RootCircle; // Root circle
diameter (RD)
#declare PitchCircle = Teeth/Pitch; #declare D = PitchCircle; // Pitch circle
diameter (D)
#declare OutsideCircle= (Teeth+2)/Pitch; #declare OD = OutsideCircle; // Outside
circle diameter (OD)
#declare Hub = 0.9;
#declare Hole = 0.25;
torus {RootCircle, T2 translate <0, T1, 0> texture {pigment {color Blue}
finish {phong 0.1}} } // RootCircle Circle
torus {PitchCircle, T2 translate <0, T1, 0> texture {pigment {color Red}
finish {phong 0.1}} } // RootCircle Circle
torus {OutsideCircle, T2 translate <0, T1, 0> texture {pigment {color Green}
finish {phong 0.1}} } // OutsideCircle Circle
torus {Hub, T1 translate <0, T1, 0> texture {pigment {color Black} finish
{phong 0.1}} } // Recessed Hub Circle
torus {Hole, T1 translate <0, T1, 0> texture {pigment {color Black} finish
{phong 0.1}} } // Shaft hole
// Center marker
cylinder {<-OutsideCircle, T1, 0>, <OutsideCircle, T1, 0> T2 texture {pigment
{color Black} finish {phong 0.1}} }
cylinder {<0, T1, -OutsideCircle>, <0, T1, OutsideCircle> T2 texture {pigment
{color Black} finish {phong 0.1}} }
cylinder {<-OutsideCircle*2, T1, RootCircle>, <OutsideCircle*2, T1, RootCircle>
T2 texture {pigment {color Black} finish {phong 0.1}} }
#declare CircularThicknessAngle = (360/N)*0.5; // Circular Thickness Angle
0.5 because teeth AND spaces
#declare Degrees = 90; // Degrees to rotate through involute
#declare Radians = Degrees * pi/180; // Radians to rotate through involute
#declare AngularSpacing = 360/Teeth; // How many degrees to rotate involute
curves for next tooth
#for (Tooth1, 0, Teeth)
#declare Tooth2 = Tooth1 + 0.5;
#for (theta, 0, Radians, 0.001)
#declare X = RootCircle * (cos(theta) + theta*sin(theta));
#declare Z1 = RootCircle * (sin(theta) - theta*cos(theta));
#declare Z2 = -RootCircle * (sin(theta) - theta*cos(theta)); // Opposite
side of involute tooth
sphere{ <X, T1, Z1>, T1 pigment {Blue} rotate -y*Tooth1*AngularSpacing}
sphere{ <X, T1, Z2>, T1 pigment {Blue} rotate -y*Tooth2*AngularSpacing}
#declare Distance1 = sqrt (pow (X,2) + pow (Z1,2)); // radius at this point
in the plotting of the gear tooth
// check if at RootCircle Circle
#if ( theta = sqrt (abs ((Distance1 / RootCircle) - 1) ) )
sphere{ <X, T1, Z1>, MarkerCircle pigment {Green} rotate
sphere{ <X, T1, Z2>, MarkerCircle pigment {Green} rotate
// check if at OutsideCircle Circle
#if ( theta > sqrt ((pow (OutsideCircle, 2) - pow (RootCircle, 2)) /
RootCircle) ) // Seems broken. Thanks, M.I.T :|
sphere{ <X, T1, Z1>, MarkerCircle pigment {Yellow} rotate
sphere{ <X, T1, Z2>, MarkerCircle pigment {Yellow} rotate
/* check if involutes cross
#declare NegInvolute = transform {rotate <0, -AngularSpacing, 0>};
#declare NI_Point = vtransform (<X, T1, Z2>, NegInvolute);
#if ( abs(NI_Point.z) - abs(Z1) < 0.1)
sphere{ <X, T1, Z1>, MarkerCircle pigment {Gray50} rotate
//sphere{ <X, T1, Z2>, MarkerCircle pigment {Green} rotate
#end // end for
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