POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.general : At wits' end : Re: At wits' end Server Time
18 May 2024 10:12:42 EDT (-0400)
  Re: At wits' end  
From: Bald Eagle
Date: 14 Mar 2016 15:40:01
Message: <web.56e71345509d798c5e7df57c0@news.povray.org>
I _ALMOST_ got it to work.   It starts to spazz when I tell it to do 3 Reps.
1 Rep = 1 island
2 Reps = 6 islands around that - OK
3 Reps = 12 islands around those 7.   But every other one is off.
It makes me sad.

In macro FullIsland put "yes" as the last argument to show all levels of

There's probably a better, more elegant way, but this is what I've come up with
so far:


#version 3.7;

global_settings { assumed_gamma 1.8 }

#include "colors.inc"
#include "math.inc"
#include "transforms.inc"

light_source { <0.0, 0.0, -10.0> rgb 1 }

#macro vec2rot(V, A)
     #local _X_ = V.u*cos(A) - V.v*sin(A);
     #local _Y_ = V.u*sin(A) + V.v*cos(A);
     #local RESULT = <_X_,_Y_>;

#macro gosper_axiom(p0, p1)
cylinder { p0, p1 0.02 }//cylinder { p0, p1 0.0078125 }
#local V = p1 - p0;
#local vT = vnormalize(V);
#local len = vlength(V);
#debug concat("len: "str(len,0,6) "\n")
#debug concat("vTlen: "str(vlength(vT),0,6) "\n")
#debug concat("newlen: " str(len/sqrt(7),0,6) "\n")
#local np1 = p0 + len/sqrt(7)*vec2rot( vT,asin(sqrt(3)/(2*sqrt(7))));
#local np2 = p1 - len/sqrt(7)*vec2rot( vT,asin(sqrt(3)/(2*sqrt(7))));
#debug concat("np1: " vstr(2, np1,", ",0,10) "\n")
#debug concat("np2: " vstr(2, np2,", ",0,10) "\n")
union {
    cylinder { p0,  np1 0.02 }
    cylinder { np1, np2 0.02 }
    cylinder { np2, p1  0.02 }
        pigment { Red }
        finish { ambient 0 diffuse 0.7 }

#macro gosper_axiom_r(p0, p1, N, DrawAllLevels)

 #if (N >= 1)
    #if (DrawAllLevels)
      cylinder { p0, p1 0.002*Rep*N pigment {color srgbft CHSV2RGB(<(360/N), 1,
1>)}  }
      #elseif (N=1)
      cylinder { p0, p1 0.002*Rep*N pigment {color srgbft CHSV2RGB(<(360/N), 1,
1>)}  }
     #local V = p1 - p0;
     #local vT = vnormalize(V);
     #local len = vlength(V);
     #local np1=p0+len/sqrt(7)*vec2rot( vT,asin(sqrt(3)/(2*sqrt(7))));
     #local np2=p1-len/sqrt(7)*vec2rot( vT,asin(sqrt(3)/(2*sqrt(7))));

     gosper_axiom_r(p0,  np1, N-1, DrawAllLevels)
     gosper_axiom_r(np1, np2, N-1, DrawAllLevels)
     gosper_axiom_r(np2, p1,  N-1, DrawAllLevels)
 #declare N = N-1;

#declare TH = degrees( asin( sqrt(3)/(2*sqrt(7)) ) );
#declare L = 6.0/sqrt(7);
#debug concat("L: " str(L,0,6) "\n")
#debug concat("TH: " str(TH,0,6) "\n")

#macro FullIsland (BeginSegment, EndSegment)
 #for (i, 1, 6)
 gosper_axiom_r(Endpoint1, Endpoint2, 4, no)

 // Rotate endpoints
 #declare RotatePoint = transform { rotate <0, 0, 60>  }
 #declare Endpoint1 = vtransform (Endpoint1, RotatePoint);
 #declare Endpoint2 = vtransform (Endpoint2, RotatePoint);
 //#debug concat("Endpoint1: " vstr(2, Endpoint1,", ", 2, 1) "\n")
 //#debug concat("Endpoint2: " vstr(2, Endpoint2,", ", 2, 1) "\n")
#end // end macro

#declare Rep = 3;
#declare Center = <0, 0, 0>;
 sphere {Center 0.1 pigment {Red}}
#declare Y1 = Center.y+sqrt(3)/2;
#declare Y2 = Center.y+sqrt(3)/2;
#declare X1 = Center.x-0.5;
#declare X2 = Center.x+0.5;
#declare Endpoint1 = <X1, Y1, 0>;
#declare Endpoint2 = <X2, Y2, 0>;
//#debug concat("Endpoint1: " vstr(2, Endpoint1,", ", 2, 1) "\n")
//#debug concat("Endpoint2: " vstr(2, Endpoint2,", ", 2, 1) "\n")
FullIsland (Endpoint1, Endpoint2)

//Automatically move camera back far enough
camera {
 location <0.0, 0.0, -3*Rep>
 up y
 right x*(image_width/image_height)
 look_at <0.0, 0.0, 0.0>

#if (Rep > 1)
 #for (j, 2, Rep)
  #declare NewCenter = <0, sqrt(3)*(j-1), 0>;
  #declare Y1 = NewCenter.y+sqrt(3)/2;
  #declare Y2 = NewCenter.y+sqrt(3)/2;
  #declare X1 = NewCenter.x-0.5;
  #declare X2 = NewCenter.x+0.5;
  #declare Endpoint1 = <X1, Y1, 0>;
  #declare Endpoint2 = <X2, Y2, 0>;
  #debug concat("j: " str(j, 0, 0) "\n")

  #for (k, 1, j*6)
   #debug concat("k: " str(k, 0, 0) "\n")
   FullIsland (Endpoint1, Endpoint2)
   #declare RotateCenter = transform { rotate <0, 0, 360/((j-1)*6)>  }
   #declare NewCenter = vtransform (NewCenter, RotateCenter);
   #declare Y1 = NewCenter.y+sqrt(3)/2;
   #declare Y2 = NewCenter.y+sqrt(3)/2;
   #declare X1 = NewCenter.x-0.5;
   #declare X2 = NewCenter.x+0.5;
   #declare Endpoint1 = <X1, Y1, 0>;
   #declare Endpoint2 = <X2, Y2, 0>;
   //#debug concat("Endpoint1: " vstr(2, Endpoint1,", ", 2, 1) "\n")
   //#debug concat("Endpoint2: " vstr(2, Endpoint2,", ", 2, 1) "\n")
  #end // end k loop

 #end // end J loop
#end // end if Reps

//gosper_axiom(<-3.0, 0.0>, <-0.7014146472, 0.7014146472>)

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