POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.images : Black pixels again : Re: Black pixels again Server Time
7 Nov 2024 11:35:37 EST (-0500)
  Re: Black pixels again  
From: Norbert Kern
Date: 3 Feb 2016 17:20:01
Message: <web.56b27c969966c5b4893f3760@news.povray.org>
William F Pokorny suggested to look at the scale of the normals and the
turbulence - indeed there is the problem.

The image shows a small part - rendered with very good radiosity settings (RAD =
32; -> line 10).

1. shows the unchanged averaged normal with black pixels

2. only the first normal (quilted) - no black pixels

3. the first two normals - few black pixels

4. first and third normals - black pixels

5. like 4. but without warp {turbulence 0.5} - no black pixels

6. like 5. with turbulence 0.5 - black pixels

7. like 1. but without warp {turbulence 0.5} - few black pixels

8. like 7. with lower quality radiosity (RAD = 4;)

So the culprit is turbulence in combination with small scaled normals.

This helps to prevent the problem, but isn't a solution.


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