POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.images : Circumscribed sphere : Circumscribed sphere Server Time
3 May 2024 03:39:47 EDT (-0400)
  Circumscribed sphere  
From: Bald Eagle
Date: 6 Aug 2014 12:30:01
Message: <web.53e25769ad990c965e7df57c0@news.povray.org>
Here's a visualization of the goal & problem.

I'm sure I must simply be doing something slightly wrong when I compute a vector
to rotate around, or a normal value, or something.
It all looks fine on paper - so it should work!   :D

If the red torus is the rim of an ice cream cone, then the green sphere should
sit in it perfectly, in full contact, like a scoop of ice cream.

#include "geom_tasks.inc"    <---   analytical_g.inc
#include "drawing.inc"       <---   just an inc I'm working on to make text
always face the camera, draw various kinds of arrows, vectors, shapes, etc.


#version 3.7;
global_settings { assumed_gamma 1.8 }

#include "debug.inc"
 Set_Debug (true)
#declare View_POV_Include_Stack = true;
#include "colors.inc"
#include "math.inc"
#include "shapes.inc"
#include "textures.inc"
#include "transforms.inc"
#include "geom_tasks.inc"
#include "drawing.inc"

#declare verbose = true;

light_source { <2, 20,  5>  color rgb <1,1,1>}

#declare Camera_Origin = camera {
                            location  <0, 0, 0>
                            //right    x*image_width/image_height
                            look_at   <0, 0, 0.01>}

#declare Camera_Angle = camera {
                            location  <5 , 10, -15.0>
                            //right    x*image_width/image_height
                            //look_at   <0, 0, 0>
                            look_at   <5, 5, 5>}

#declare Camera_Rear = camera {
                            location  <0.0, -100.0, -300.0>
                            //right    x*image_width/image_height
                            look_at   <0, 0, 0>}

#declare Camera_Iso = camera {
                            location  <-50, 0, 0>
                            //right    x*image_width/image_height
                            look_at   <0, 0, 0>}

#declare Camera_Top = camera {
                            location  <0, 8.5, 2>
                            //right    x*image_width/image_height
                            look_at   <0, 0, 2>}

#declare Camera_Front = camera {
                            location <25, 4, -2>
                            //right    x*image_width/image_height
                            look_at  <0, 0, 0>}

//camera {Camera_Front }

#declare Camera_Location = <-4, 6, 10>;
#declare Camera_Look_At  = <0, 0,   0>;
#declare LightVector = Camera_Location - Camera_Look_At;
light_source { LightVector*1.2  color rgb <1,1,1>} // Always above and behind
camera to illuminate screen objects
#include "screen.inc"


#declare SolidAmbient = 0.6;
#declare FadedAmbient = 0.4;
#declare FadedTrans = 0.7;

#declare SolidRed = texture { pigment {Red} finish {ambient SolidAmbient} };
#declare ShadedRed = texture { pigment {Red transmit FadedTrans} finish {ambient
FadedAmbient} };

#declare SolidYellow = texture { pigment {Yellow} finish {ambient SolidAmbient}
#declare ShadedYellow = texture { pigment {Yellow transmit FadedTrans} finish
{ambient FadedAmbient}  };

#declare SolidGreen = texture { pigment {Green} finish {ambient SolidAmbient} };
#declare ShadedGreen = texture { pigment {Green transmit FadedTrans} finish
{ambient FadedAmbient}  };

#declare SolidBlue = texture { pigment {Blue} finish {ambient SolidAmbient} };
#declare ShadedBlue = texture { pigment {Blue transmit FadedTrans} finish
{ambient FadedAmbient}  };

#declare SolidMagenta  = texture {pigment {Magenta} finish { ambient
SolidAmbient phong 1}}
#declare ShadedMagenta = texture { pigment {Blue transmit FadedTrans} finish
{ambient FadedAmbient}  };

#declare SolidWhite = texture { pigment {White} finish {ambient SolidAmbient} };
#declare ShadedWhite = texture { pigment {White transmit FadedTrans} finish
{ambient FadedAmbient}  };

#declare SolidGray = texture { pigment {Gray50} finish {ambient SolidAmbient} };
#declare ShadedGray = texture { pigment {Gray50 transmit FadedTrans} finish
{ambient FadedAmbient}  };

#declare Line = texture { pigment {Blue} finish {ambient 0.4} };
#declare Line_W = 0.1;
#declare Point = texture { pigment {Blue} finish {ambient 1} };
#declare Point_W = 0.2;
#declare Object = texture { pigment {Yellow} finish {ambient 0.4} };
#declare Plane = texture { pigment {Green}  };

#declare Magenta  = texture {pigment {Magenta} finish { ambient 0.4 phong 1}}

//  Screen Overlay

#declare ScreenX = 0;
#declare ScreenY = 1;
#declare Line = 0;
#declare TextSize = 0.035;
#declare TextColor1 = texture {SolidYellow};
#declare TextColor2 = texture {SolidRed};
#declare TextCR = TextSize*1.1;

#declare Top1 = "The goal is to circumscribe the triangle and Point D (a
#declare Top2 = "with a sphere.  The red torus is the correct circumscribed
#declare Top3 = "but the sphere does not contact that circle all the way around,
as it should"
#declare Top4 = "The perpendicular bisector extended from Midpoint to the
centroid normal"
#declare Top5 = "ought to define the center and radius of the desired sphere.
It doesn't."
#declare Screen_Text = text { ttf "arial.ttf", Top1, 0.01, <0, 0> scale TextSize
texture {TextColor1} }
 Screen_Object ( Screen_Text, <ScreenX, ScreenY-Line>, <0.04, 0.02>, true, 0.1 )
 #declare Line = Line + TextCR;
#declare Screen_Text = text { ttf "arial.ttf", Top2, 0.01, <0, 0> scale TextSize
texture {TextColor1} }
 Screen_Object ( Screen_Text, <ScreenX, ScreenY-Line>, <0.04, 0.02>, true, 0.1 )
 #declare Line = Line + TextCR;
#declare Screen_Text = text { ttf "arial.ttf", Top3, 0.01, <0, 0> scale TextSize
texture {TextColor1} }
 Screen_Object ( Screen_Text, <ScreenX, ScreenY-Line>, <0.04, 0.02>, true, 0.1 )
 #declare Line = Line + TextCR;
#declare Screen_Text = text { ttf "arial.ttf", Top4, 0.01, <0, 0> scale TextSize
texture {TextColor1} }
 Screen_Object ( Screen_Text, <ScreenX, ScreenY-Line>, <0.04, 0.02>, true, 0.1 )
 #declare Line = Line + TextCR;
#declare Screen_Text = text { ttf "arial.ttf", Top5, 0.01, <0, 0> scale TextSize
texture {TextColor1} }
 Screen_Object ( Screen_Text, <ScreenX, ScreenY-Line>, <0.04, 0.02>, true, 0.1 )
 #declare Line = Line + TextCR;

#declare ScreenX = 0.18;
#declare ScreenY = 0.58;
#declare Bottom1 = "#declare Tangent = Triangle_Normal ( Corner_3, Middle,
PointD );"
#declare Bottom2 = "#declare Perp = vcross (PointD-Corner_3, Tangent);"
#declare Bottom3 = "#declare PerpN = vnormalize (Perp);"
#declare Bottom4 = "#declare PerpV = vtransform (Perp*2, transform {translate
Midpoint} );"
#declare Bottom5 = "#declare Adjacent = vlength (Midpoint - PointD);"
#declare Bottom6 = "#declare Theta = VAngleD (Midpoint - PointD, Middle -
#declare Bottom7 = "#declare Opposite = Adjacent * atan (Theta);"
#declare Bottom8 = "#declare Center = vtransform (Midpoint, transform {translate
PerpN * Opposite} );"
#declare Bottom9 = "(I must be using the \"Lucas\" version of screen.inc   ...

#declare Screen_Text = text { ttf "arial.ttf", Bottom1, 0.01, <0, 0> scale
TextSize texture {TextColor2} }
 Screen_Object ( Screen_Text, <ScreenX, ScreenY-Line>, <0.04, 0.02>, true, 0.1 )
 #declare Line = Line + TextCR;
#declare Screen_Text = text { ttf "arial.ttf", Bottom2, 0.01, <0, 0> scale
TextSize texture {TextColor2} }
 Screen_Object ( Screen_Text, <ScreenX, ScreenY-Line>, <0.04, 0.02>, true, 0.1 )
 #declare Line = Line + TextCR;
#declare Screen_Text = text { ttf "arial.ttf", Bottom3, 0.01, <0, 0> scale
TextSize texture {TextColor2} }
 Screen_Object ( Screen_Text, <ScreenX, ScreenY-Line>, <0.04, 0.02>, true, 0.1 )
 #declare Line = Line + TextCR;
#declare Screen_Text = text { ttf "arial.ttf", Bottom4, 0.01, <0, 0> scale
TextSize texture {TextColor2} }
 Screen_Object ( Screen_Text, <ScreenX, ScreenY-Line>, <0.04, 0.02>, true, 0.1 )
 #declare Line = Line + TextCR;
#declare Screen_Text = text { ttf "arial.ttf", Bottom5, 0.01, <0, 0> scale
TextSize texture {TextColor2} }
 Screen_Object ( Screen_Text, <ScreenX, ScreenY-Line>, <0.04, 0.02>, true, 0.1 )
 #declare Line = Line + TextCR;
#declare Screen_Text = text { ttf "arial.ttf", Bottom6, 0.01, <0, 0> scale
TextSize texture {TextColor2} }
 Screen_Object ( Screen_Text, <ScreenX, ScreenY-Line>, <0.04, 0.02>, true, 0.1 )
 #declare Line = Line + TextCR;
#declare Screen_Text = text { ttf "arial.ttf", Bottom7, 0.01, <0, 0> scale
TextSize texture {TextColor2} }
 Screen_Object ( Screen_Text, <ScreenX, ScreenY-Line>, <0.04, 0.02>, true, 0.1 )
 #declare Line = Line + TextCR;
#declare Screen_Text = text { ttf "arial.ttf", Bottom8, 0.01, <0, 0> scale
TextSize texture {TextColor2} }
 Screen_Object ( Screen_Text, <ScreenX, ScreenY-Line>, <0.04, 0.02>, true, 0.1 )
 #declare Line = Line + TextCR;
#declare Screen_Text = text { ttf "arial.ttf", Bottom9, 0.01, <0, 0> scale
TextSize texture {SolidBlue} }
 Screen_Object ( Screen_Text, <ScreenX, ScreenY-Line>, <0.04, 0.02>, true, 0.1 )
 #declare Line = Line + TextCR;

sky_sphere { pigment { gradient y color_map {
            [0.0 rgb <1, 1, 1>]
            [0.8 rgb <1, 1, 1>] } } }

// Origin
sphere {o, 0.1 pigment {White} }

//  Gridlines and axes

#macro Raster(RScale, HLine)
 #local Lightness = 0.6;
 pigment{ gradient x scale RScale
                color_map{[0.000   color rgbt<0,0,1,0> * Lightness]
                          [0+HLine color rgbt<0,0,1,0> * Lightness]
                          [0+HLine color rgbt<1,1,1,1>]
                          [1-HLine color rgbt<1,1,1,1>]
                          [1-HLine color rgbt<0,0,1,0> * Lightness]
                          [1.000   color rgbt<0,0,1,0> * Lightness]} }
       finish {ambient 0.1 diffuse 0.9}
#end// of Raster(RScale, HLine)-macro

#macro Grid (RasterScale, RasterHalfLine, Background_pigment)
 plane{<0, 1, 0>, 0      // uses layerd textures!!!!
 texture{Background_pigment  finish { phong 0.1}}
 texture{Raster( RasterScale, RasterHalfLine) rotate<0, 0, 0> }
 texture{Raster( RasterScale, RasterHalfLine) rotate<0, 90, 0>}
       scale 1}

#macro Axis_( AxisLen, RedTexture, WhiteTexture) // ---------------------
  cylinder {<0,-AxisLen,0>,<0,AxisLen,0>,0.05 texture{checker
texture{RedTexture} texture{WhiteTexture} translate<0.1,0,0.1>}}
  cone{<0,AxisLen,0>,0.2,<0,AxisLen+0.7,0>,0 texture{RedTexture}}
       } // end of union "Axis"
#end // of macro Axis (AxisLen)

#macro AxisXYZ (AxisLenX, AxisLenY, AxisLenZ, TexRed, TexWhite)
  object{Axis_(AxisLenX, TexRed, TexWhite) no_shadow  rotate< 0,0,-90>}   //
  object{Axis_(AxisLenY, TexRed, TexWhite) no_shadow  rotate< 0,0,  0>}   //
  object{Axis_(AxisLenZ, TexRed, TexWhite) no_shadow  rotate<90,0,  0>}   //
  text{ttf"arial.ttf", "x", 0.15, 0 no_shadow texture{TexRed} scale 0.5
translate <AxisLenX + 0.05, 0.20, -0.12>}
  text{ttf"arial.ttf", "y", 0.15, 0 no_shadow texture{TexRed} scale 0.5
translate <-0.35, AxisLenY + 0.50, -0.05>}
  text{ttf"arial.ttf", "z", 0.15, 0 no_shadow texture{TexRed} scale 0.5
translate <-0.75, 0.2, AxisLenZ + 0.50>}
  } // end of union
#end// of macro "AxisXYZ(...)"

//  Draw Gridlines
object{ Grid ( 1, 0.01, texture {pigment{color rgb <0.5, 0.5, 1>} finish
{ambient 0.3 diffuse 0.9}} )  rotate<0,0,0>}

//  Draw x, y, & z Axes
#declare Tex_Dark  = texture {pigment {color rgb<0, 0, 0.45>} finish { ambient
0.4 phong 1}}
#declare Tex_White = texture {pigment {color rgb<1,1,1>} finish { ambient 0.4
phong 1}}
object{ AxisXYZ (5, 5, 5, Tex_Dark, Tex_White)}

//  Start Scene description here:

#declare Corner_A_1 = <0, 0, 0>;
#declare Corner_A_2 = <4, 0, 0>;
#declare Corner_A_3 = <4, 4, 0>;
#declare H = 1;

#local AT = text {
ttf "arial.ttf", "A", 0.02, 0.0 // thickness, offset
pigment{ color rgb<1,1,1>*0.5 }

#local BT = text {
ttf "arial.ttf", "B", 0.02, 0.0 // thickness, offset
pigment{ color rgb<1,1,1>*0.5 }

#local CT = text {
ttf "arial.ttf", "C", 0.02, 0.0 // thickness, offset
pigment{ color rgb<1,1,1>*0.5 }

#local DT = text {
ttf "arial.ttf", "d", 0.02, 0.0 // thickness, offset
pigment{ color rgb<1,0.5,0.5> }
scale 0.75

#local MT = text {
ttf "arial.ttf", "m", 0.02, 0.0 // thickness, offset
pigment{ color rgb<1,0.5,0.5> }
scale 0.75

#local Plane = texture {
pigment {color rgb 0.7}

#local Object = texture {
pigment {color rgb <0.7,0.3,0.1>}

#local Tex_Dark = texture {
pigment {color rgb <0.17,0.13,0.81>}

#local Shaded   = texture {
pigment {color rgb <0.2,0.2,0.2> filter 0.87}

#local Rayon = 0.125;

#macro Circumscribed_Sphere (Corner_1, Corner_2, Corner_3, Height)

  //cylinder {Corner_A_1-0.15*z, Corner_A_1+0.1*z, Rayon  texture {Object} }
  //object {AT translate Corner_A_1-x*1-y*0.5}
  sphere {Corner_A_1, Rayon texture {SolidBlue} }
  object {LabelPoint (Corner_A_1, "A", 0.5) texture {SolidRed} }
  //cylinder {Corner_A_2-0.15*z, Corner_A_2+0.1*z, Rayon  texture {Object} }
  //object {BT translate Corner_A_2+x*0.5-y*0.5}
  sphere {Corner_A_2, Rayon texture {SolidBlue} }
  object {LabelPoint (Corner_A_2, "B", 0.5) texture {SolidRed} }
  //cylinder {Corner_A_3-0.15*z, Corner_A_3+0.1*z, Rayon  texture {Object} }
  //object {CT translate Corner_A_3+x*0.5+y*0.5}
  sphere {Corner_A_3, Rayon texture {SolidBlue} }
  object {LabelPoint (Corner_A_3, "C", 0.5) texture {SolidRed} }

 // POINT P / Middle
 #declare Middle =  Triangle_M_out (Corner_A_1, Corner_A_2, Corner_A_3);
 #declare Radius =  Triangle_R_out (Corner_A_1, Corner_A_2, Corner_A_3);
 #declare Normal =  Triangle_Normal(Corner_A_1, Corner_A_2, Corner_A_3);
 #local TMC = Triangle_Mass_Center(Corner_A_1, Corner_A_2, Corner_A_3);

 //cylinder {Middle-0.15*z, Middle+0.25*z, Rayon  translate Normal texture
 //object {MT translate Middle-x*0.5}
 sphere {Middle, Rayon texture {SolidBlue} }
 object {LabelPoint (Middle, "m", 0.5) texture {SolidRed} }
 //cylinder {TMC-0.15*z , TMC +0.1*z, Rayon translate Normal texture {Tex_Dark}}
 sphere {TMC, Rayon texture {SolidBlue} }

 #declare PointD  =  vtransform (Middle, transform {translate Normal*Height});
 object {LabelPoint (PointD, "D", 0.5) texture {SolidRed} translate
 //  object {DT translate PointD}

 object {Distance_Marker(Corner_A_1, Corner_A_2, 0.025) texture {SolidMagenta}}
 object {Distance_Marker(Corner_A_2, Corner_A_3, 0.025) texture {SolidMagenta}}
 object {Distance_Marker(Corner_A_3, Corner_A_1, 0.025) texture {SolidMagenta}}
 object {Distance_Marker(Corner_A_1, PointD, 0.025) texture {SolidMagenta}}
 object {Distance_Marker(Corner_A_2, PointD, 0.025) texture {SolidMagenta}}
 object {Distance_Marker(Corner_A_3, PointD, 0.025) texture {SolidMagenta}}

 #declare Midpoint = (Corner_A_3 + PointD)/2;
 sphere {Midpoint, Rayon texture {SolidRed} }
 #declare Tangent = Triangle_Normal ( Corner_3, Middle, PointD );
  // Perpendicular to triangle containing sphere center
  #declare PerpRef = vtransform (Tangent*5, transform {translate Corner_3} ); //
Just a big tangent
  //object {Vector (Corner_3, PerpRef, 0.05) texture {Plane}}
 #declare Perp = vcross (PointD-Corner_3, Tangent);
  #declare PerpN = vnormalize (Perp);
  #declare PerpV = vtransform (Perp*2, transform {translate Midpoint} );
  object {Vector (Midpoint, PerpV, 0.05) texture {SolidGreen}}

 #declare Adjacent = vlength (Midpoint - PointD);
 #declare Theta = VAngleD (Midpoint - PointD, Middle - PointD);
 #declare Opposite = Adjacent * atan (Theta);

 #declare Center = vtransform (Midpoint, transform {translate PerpN * Opposite}
  object {Vector (PointD, Center, 0.05) texture {SolidGreen}}

 #declare SRayon = vlength (Center - PointD);

 torus { SRayon,0.05 rotate x*90 translate Middle texture {SolidRed} no_shadow}

 sphere {Center, SRayon texture {ShadedGreen}}

 }  // end union

#declare  Sphere = object {Circumscribed_Sphere (Corner_A_1, Corner_A_2,
Corner_A_3, H) no_shadow};


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